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How much weight can be lost with a band?

thats why the nice guidelines are there so WLS doesnt get abused, as i said on another thread surgeons doing ops for ppl with a bmi of 35-39 with co morbilities yeah great, but when they do it for ppl with no co morbilities with that bmi range then they are out of order as a surgeon.

I disagree with this totally.

People with a BMI of over 35 are still morbidly obese and are you suggesting that they continue to struggle and gain weight and only when they get even bigger then they should have surgery? So wait until they develop co-mobidities and run huge risks during surgery? If someone has the money to pay for surgery then why shouldn't they have it?

Surely prevention is better than cure.

Surgery is available privately for people with BMI's over 30/35. If you have the money, the need and can find the right surgeon, then why not have wls? Wish I'd had the money when my BMI was lower...
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I can understand that the NHS shouldn't pay for the likes of me, but do think that Surgeons should operate on people with BMI's of 30 or more that have tried everything and are prepared to fund themselves.

I agree - and surgeons will operate on you if you are in need of help. BMI of 39? I doubt very much if any surgeon would turn you away if you are paying...
sorry if i bug you sue, but this is a forum and not everyone will agree on every topic, thats just how it is everyone has the right to there own opinions and i respect that, but it doesnt mean that i cant put my opinion in on the off chance of "bugging" someone.

Sorry guys i have to agree with Liz on this subject, i know i'm a bypasser and i sold out and went down the private route, and i dont really have a right to breach to banders, but even so i agree with Liz regarding the NICE guidlines and abuse of this.
If you look at it another way, suppose they lower the NICE guidlines to allow more banding and bypassing on the NHS, there would suddenly be a serious influx of people wanting an op with lower BMI's, the system would become flooded and grind to a halt, instead of a 1 year waiting time you'd be looking at 3 plus, and if your BMI is seriously high your potentially at a higher risk than someone with a lower BMI that thinks they deserve a band because they cant lose weight by any other method !
My BMI is 34, but I cannot take this anymore.I have rolls of fat hanging from me, my bra straps and band round chest sink into my rolls so I cant see the straps anymore, I get out of breath , sweat like a man, sore between my legs,i have been on antidepressants for my weight for the last 2 years as looking at my body makes me hugely depressed.I am funding my op myself, but went to doc to ask him for some advice, and he said he wished my BMI was over 40 because hed refer me straight away to have it on NHS, as he knows how low it gets me.He said it would have an enormous boost to my self esteem, and was fully supportive of my decision.All I can say is thank goodness some surgeons do operate at a lower BMI point, as I would have spent many more years low, fat and depressed because of my never ending issues with my weight and food.

I do agree that by lowering the 'guidelines' the band could be misused by people who do not have any 'real' weight issues, and would like to use it as a means to stop them gaining any weight when their BMI is 25/30, and also that the NHS will be under increased pressure from allowing the decrease in BMI restictions.

Again as far as i'm concerned, being obese, severley obese or super obese, are all part of the same, placing huge demands on our bodies, hearts and organs, and anything that can be done to reduce that danger and stress in my opinion cannot be a bad thing. x
I think the subject is getting a little confused between NICE, NHS and self-funding. NICE only covers NHS patients and their guidelines are clear BMI of 35 with co-morbidities or BMI or 40plus as we all know.

However, just because NICE state this for the NHS (and we all know that this is not just down to the science, but to the financial impact as well) this does NOT mean that someone with a BMI of 30 plus should not have wls. Yes it is a last chance, but whether someone is 5 stone overweight or 30 stone overweight, if they have a real need and can pay for the op, why shouldn't they have it?

Of course if wls was only available on the NHS then there could be misuse, and it is therefore only there to help those who are pretty desperate. That's why the guidelines are there. I don't think this can be applied to any other scenario, and if reputable surgeons feel that wls for someone with a BMI of 30/35 with no co-m's is acceptable, then who are we to argue?
Its called a MONEY MAKING BUSINESS thats why they do it and alot of bad aftercare is given because its all down to them making cash from very vunerable people.
Sorry guys i have to agree with Liz on this subject, i know i'm a bypasser and i sold out and went down the private route, and i dont really have a right to breach to banders, but even so i agree with Liz regarding the NICE guidlines and abuse of this.
If you look at it another way, suppose they lower the NICE guidlines to allow more banding and bypassing on the NHS, there would suddenly be a serious influx of people wanting an op with lower BMI's, the system would become flooded and grind to a halt, instead of a 1 year waiting time you'd be looking at 3 plus, and if your BMI is seriously high your potentially at a higher risk than someone with a lower BMI that thinks they deserve a band because they cant lose weight by any other method !

thankyou for your support richard, i am now going to back off from this thread as i have put my opinions in and i really no longer need to comment further on this thread as it seems to be causing to much conflict amongst people, tis like throwing a cat amongst the pigeons.:sigh: :banghead:
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Its only a wee discussion Liz, the cats still in it's cage i think...lol.x

lol MIOW :D i know that and i understand your reasons for needing wls as everyone is different, i hope all goes well for you i really do.

regarding this thread tho i really have nothing else to put in to it.

liz x
Its called a MONEY MAKING BUSINESS thats why they do it and alot of bad aftercare is given because its all down to them making cash from very vunerable people.

Of course its a business, but are you suggesting that all wls surgeons are like this? A tiny minority maybe...

Anyways, as you say enough is enough. I have nothing else to say.:p