The bypass has dangers, everyone should make sure they know what they are before they decide. That said, I have met many bypassers and have found very few of them that have experienced complications. Most are very, very happy like me to have had it done.
Every case is different & comes with different risk levels, that is what the professionals are paid to help with. They can advise you what will work best for your individual case, that combined with being diligent about doing your own research will make for a well informed choice.
Best of luck on your journey & try to be a sponge soaking up as much info as possible until you make a choice that feels right to you.

Oh, almost forgot the original question. My bowel moves normally & the only time I have a problem (which is not as bad as Xenical, I promise) is when I have had lots of fatty foods. This can happen sometimes especially when eating take out since you can't see how much fat goes into the food. I however have yet to have a very urgent bathroom call, I always have warning (gassy rumbles, slight bloat) & no scaring 'will I make it' moments.