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Its been 4 weeks since I had my gastric band surgery and I am feeling really hungry and just wondering if anyone has any ideas to help with this as I do not want to put weight on!
So far I have managed to lose each week so do not want to put it back on!
I am telling myself that I am full, chewing for a long time and eating of a small plate, but am still hungry.
I take myself out for walks or do some sewing etc to take my mind of it but i find myself eating a larger portion than week ago :sigh:
Any advice would be great
Thanks xx
How about milky coffees? They have kept me going in the past and are great protein source?
If you are hungry ... Are you eating enough? I know it sounds contradictory but sometimes if you increase what you eat, particularly protein, the weight loss improves even more. Milky coffee (especially skimmed, whipped into a thick latte) works well for me, even now, and as Jo says its a great low fat source of protein.
I know I did think the same that maybe i was not eating enough but just don't want to eat to much!!!! Maybe I will try increasing amount I eat and see how I go.
From looking through other posts i gathered that milky coffees seamed to help alot of people but I can not stand coffee! ummm ok eat more i think.
Thankyou for the replies xxx
a teaspoon of cocoa and sweetner ... Another suggestion instrd ofcoffee
Or get some weight watchers/options hot chocolate sachets?
I am abit of a weird one and i do not like chocolate either!!! a right fussy one here. I have been having milkshakes but I don't really like the taste of cold milk and when I tried it hot it was horrible lol, but i was thinking in bed last night that I used to like camp coffee with cold milk so I am going to try and get some today (hope i can find it).
I am also going to try and eat a bit more at lunch time at the moment i have 2 ryvita with cottage cheese but that fills me up it is my evening meal where i get really hungry!!
when i get VERY hungry i have a cheese triangle as a snack,they really do satisfy your band xx