New Member
Can honestly say I had no pain. I woke up feeling sick and as I was gagging they gave me a jab and then after that I must admit I have been fine. Every nurse kept asking me for my pain level on a 1 - 10 scale and I can honestly say it would have never been higher than a 2. I acually probably feel worse now, two days later, as I feel a bit 'punched in the stomach'. It is no worse than a really bad bout of indigestion or the sort of pain you get when you have been physically sick for a couple of days and your stomach goes into cramps.
Having real trouble either eating or drinking but no doubt this is due to the swelling (two sips of drink has my new tum growling like a rotweiller) . . not comfy but no doubt this will pass as it settles down. Am now looking forward to taking my place on the losers bench!