Hiya chuck, I did exactly what you are wanting to do! I had a seminar date for sunderland, came on here and was told about the wait times etc so I rang my GP practice, spoke to my Drs secretary and asked her to change the hospital to north tees! She did it no problem, it's part of the NHS now that you choose what hospital you have treatment so it's no bother! This was the beginning of jan, I had my seminar 23rd of jan at north tees, hit my weight target really fast cos I pulled out all the stops and had my sleeve 7th of may! I would say deffo do it, if I would have stayed with sunderland I might of only just had my first app!! Where do u live? I'm in Hartlepool and funding etc isn't a problem here at all as long as your BMI is over 40, funding was never even discussed with me! Any questions fire away
