.... if my own hang ups and frustrations have made people "angry" or I have come across as a moaning minnie. Last week I was absolutey at my wits end with frustration as I thought I was going about things correctly but no seeing results.
That said I didn't give up and stuff myself with chocolate (mainly because I don't really like chocolate).
Yes I can wallow in my own self-pity sometimes. Yes I do come across as moany and dare I say some of you probably think I spend my time thinking that I stuff my face full of bad stuff then come on here and complain about my lack of weight-loss.
The band IS a tool ... and once the tool is in full operation I expect to see results. No one forced me to have the band .... no I never really wanted the bypass (although wanted the results
) I was quite taken with the sleeve but having sought advice many times, I was advised with the band - no one tied me down to the operating table stuck a needle in my hand, put me to sleep and slit my belly open.
I will stick at it ... and I must give it my best shot ... 6 months isn't my best shot and I know this and to be fair my restriction hasn't really been there until the last 6 weeks or so.
Whilst some may get angry with my posts I hope they serve to demonstrate the highs and lows that come with having a band.
We aren't all perfect. We are .. or at least I am human and have emotions. I am not an idiot I know Rome was not built in a mere day - however I do have high expectations of myself ... may be I ought to tone those down a little.
No man is an island ... so please do not forget this.
Support is not silent, self-righteous, sanctimonious indignation. Nor is support only posting about ones achievements and then expecting a pat on the back Support is a whole lot more .. a culmination of the aforementioned, sound, rational advice, hints tips and useful opnions.
In the main I get that here from a lovely section of the WLSurgery community. Get as angry, upset, apoplectic as you wish .... I'll continue on my journey, offer support when and where I can ---- on the exercise section, WLS section etc. ... (I am a giver and a taker).
I hope I haven't offended anyone here ... just clearing out cobwebs.
Onwards and downwards folks.
That said I didn't give up and stuff myself with chocolate (mainly because I don't really like chocolate).
Yes I can wallow in my own self-pity sometimes. Yes I do come across as moany and dare I say some of you probably think I spend my time thinking that I stuff my face full of bad stuff then come on here and complain about my lack of weight-loss.
The band IS a tool ... and once the tool is in full operation I expect to see results. No one forced me to have the band .... no I never really wanted the bypass (although wanted the results
I will stick at it ... and I must give it my best shot ... 6 months isn't my best shot and I know this and to be fair my restriction hasn't really been there until the last 6 weeks or so.
Whilst some may get angry with my posts I hope they serve to demonstrate the highs and lows that come with having a band.
We aren't all perfect. We are .. or at least I am human and have emotions. I am not an idiot I know Rome was not built in a mere day - however I do have high expectations of myself ... may be I ought to tone those down a little.
No man is an island ... so please do not forget this.
Support is not silent, self-righteous, sanctimonious indignation. Nor is support only posting about ones achievements and then expecting a pat on the back Support is a whole lot more .. a culmination of the aforementioned, sound, rational advice, hints tips and useful opnions.
In the main I get that here from a lovely section of the WLSurgery community. Get as angry, upset, apoplectic as you wish .... I'll continue on my journey, offer support when and where I can ---- on the exercise section, WLS section etc. ... (I am a giver and a taker).
I hope I haven't offended anyone here ... just clearing out cobwebs.
Onwards and downwards folks.