Hi Dawn
Hope all is ok with you. I'm not too bad, had a bit of a 'nothingy weekend' and was bit fed up with myself

. Think its probably just the time of year - dark mornings & evenings, short days, miserable weather :sigh: It just doesn't suit me at all.
Still, holiday has to be paid for tomorrow (boo

) but at least then I know that I'm on a 12 week count down to the sunshine (yeah

Have you made a start with calorie counting? I tend to try and stick with 1400 cals and a bit of exercise thrown in for good measure. However some days I make allowances for the fact that I'm not a saint

and if necessary aim for around 1800 cals to maintain. Of course there are days when I go totally off on one

, but I tend to find if I still record my calorie intake (a) its nowhere near as bad as I imagined, in terms of needing an extra 3500 cals to gain a pound of fat, and (b) It also tends to slow down what might have become a full blown binge (yes I still have those

) - I think its probably the fact that I write down what I want first and keep a running total. Then I end up having a conversation with myself about what I'm doing and that my overdoing it on the calories can still be salvaged for the day - if that makes sense??
I also weigh myself every day. I know that for some people this is a big no-no, and that it can really mess with your mind (this happens to me occasionally). But I find what it mainly does for me is help me understand what is a 'normal' pattern for my body and the effect that eating certain/too much food have on my body weight. For instance I know that a pound or two gain is not always down to the calories I've eaten but the composition of those calories (more than normal carbs) and over a day or two my weight will drop and level out again.
I also still find Minimins an immense source of support. I come on here most days. I don't always post, but tend to read a lot. Not only does it keep me away from the kitchen

, but some posts also give me food for thought (if you'll pardon the 'food' reference

). It also helps to keep me in the right 'mindset' and gets me back on track if I've had a rocky few days. I firmly believe that it has helped me to maintain the weightloss. So, good or bad, I'm always here

I'm also addicted to the arcade.....but thats another story :8855:
I'm concious that I need to do some more 'head work' on myself........I don't find maintaining easy, but then I guess I'm not alone in feeling this way. So I feel exploring my inner thoughts is a path I need to take.
I'm in no way saying that what I do is the right way - but I'm doing the best I can. I've never dieted before and maintained for any length of time at all, so I'm just feeling my way along and learning as I go!
Anyway onto a lighter note - do you remember me telling you about my sister? The one with the baby girl? (I say baby, but she's 2 now, so more of a toddler). Well she also did CD back in September and she has gone from 13.9 to 10.3 now

, she dropped the weight so quickly

. She's now moving up the steps (1200 this week). Honestly, its just like talking to me a year ago

y'no all the fears about gaining weight again etc. She's done so well, and had the added bonus of me 'been there done that' to offer support when needed. She looks great!
Anyway gotta go now, I've cooked a WW recipe turkey cottage pie for dinner, so I'm off to eat that!
Take care and speak soon