Hiya :wave:
I have just got my letter telling me that my first appointment is...
15th December 2011
I need to be at Luton and Dunstable at 9am for my appointment with a nurse to discuss my treatment options
I then have another appointment,On the same 3:30pm
This is to see an Obesity consultant " or one of his team"
I cannot tell you how excited i'm feeling
...This is a huge step and getting the letter has made it all seems so real....if that makes any sense!
So ,if anyone should be at L&D on the sure to say Hi as it looks like it's going to be a long day...all be it Very exciting ... I CAN'T WAIT !!
Hope you're all okay.
Take Care
Andy xx
I have just got my letter telling me that my first appointment is...
15th December 2011
I need to be at Luton and Dunstable at 9am for my appointment with a nurse to discuss my treatment options
I then have another appointment,On the same 3:30pm
This is to see an Obesity consultant " or one of his team"
I cannot tell you how excited i'm feeling
So ,if anyone should be at L&D on the sure to say Hi as it looks like it's going to be a long day...all be it Very exciting ... I CAN'T WAIT !!
Hope you're all okay.
Take Care
Andy xx