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I just had a bath and it was HEAVEN


Joy's the best makeup :-)
Well had all my dressings and sterristrips removed today and just had a wonderful long awaited bath.....it was total heaven...I was going mad with the itching and this has all but gone now the dressings are all off, im healing really well and have a few little bruses and red lines where the incisions were.....I had a large lump removed from my breast 2 years ago and was massivly bruised and it took ages to heal so Im really chuffed that its healing so well in a few months you will never know the surgery was done( well other than the massive weight loss lol) I have much worse marks from 17yr ago pregnancy strechmarks...so im very happy :D

ps just before you all freak out I did keep the wounds out of the water I promise xx
Ah, there's nothing like a good hot bath. I was only allowed showers for a few days after my C-section and I felt sooooo grubby.
Awww bless, I bet you're all relaxed now. I'd love a bath but we have'nt got one. Ours is a large shower room which I had to have when I had my 1st stroke but the thought of laying and chilling in the bath really appeals to me. Glad the itchings easing and you sound quite cheerful. Take care xx Gaynor xx
yep 13 days since my last one...sponge baths are just no good for relaxing are they:eek:
I had my first post op bath on Sunday and it was total bliss. I had lavender bubbles, my blow up neck pillow and a book. I was in there for about 40 minutes just luxuriating in it. Mostly i take showers but you can't beat a long bath when there's time. Aaaaah.
:D I share your joy of a lazy bath :D
wash ya bits in a bowl lolol .... fab wanda .. i do love a bath more than a shower i must say . but my bath is getting smaller and smaller these days ... i was always told hot water shrinks things and its worked on the bath its defo got smaller ..

i look forward to the day i can put my arms in at the same time lololol xxx
Rotfl....I am desperate for the day when I lay in the bath the top part of me goes under the water ......sick of sponging water onto my belly to keep it warmer lol....and yep its definatly the hot water shrinking the bath its happened in my house too...here is to the day I can look like the girl in the cadburys flake ads - minus the chocs:cry:
wash ya bits in a bowl lolol .... fab wanda .. i do love a bath more than a shower i must say . but my bath is getting smaller and smaller these days ... i was always told hot water shrinks things and its worked on the bath its defo got smaller ..

i look forward to the day i can put my arms in at the same time lololol xxx

Know what you mean Brett the kind of bath I would need to fully emerse myself just wont fit in my bathroom.

As long as its only the bath shrinking in the hot water (oh er missus) otherwise my OH will be banned from having them! lol :8855:
now you made me laugh so much my port wounds aching.....if baths shrunk bodies I would spend my life in the bath....
im dead lucky, i'mstaying at my parents house while i have the op, and theye bath is soooooooo deep... but... sadly its so deep you float a bit... so my boobs are always cold hahahahahahahaha!

lol, worth a try!!!... :)

Its amazing how much better I feel going to have another this eveing :) hubbys on lates and daughters going to her dads so house to myself Heaven