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I need advice please help ;/


New Member
Hi all can anyone help me please, i have just had "The phone call" to say i have a date of the 6th december :eek::eek::eek::eek:. The problem i have is i have 3 small children and will be limited to what help i have form hubby and mam as they both work, also i have no christmas presents yet and am scared i will not get it all done....help what shall i do i dont want them putting me to the bk of the list if i say i cant do that short notice :(
Deep breath hun and get on the internet for your shopping failing that do gift vouchers, keep it simple this year you have a few weeks and its amazing how much you can get done in one day !!
Do lists and work you way through them but be realistic and dont go mad !!
Tell the kiddies your will need their help for a few weeks give them small jobs to do even putting their shoes away is a help.
Accept help if offered don't try to do it all yourself and keep 2012 im your thoughts as a brilliant new year xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Internet shopping. I'm doing most of mine that way this year. As for the kids. Have they got friends who's parents would have them. Would your Mum and Husband be able to book a day off work. Ask friends to rally round. Most people are desperate to be asked to help out and often don't offer because they think you'll have family and other friends to help. You'll be fine and what a wonderful Christmas present.

Good luck.

Kate x
i'm about to go upstairs sit on my bed and wrap pressies,I can't carry much shopping because of my arthiritis so done a lot on internet :) always do my christmas food shopping on internet it's so easy and Dawn is right make lists and work through them, good luck xx
Can you go before your op hun, funds depending i suppose, and as everyone else says internet shopping, depends how you are i was up and out few days after my op, you might be okay. Get family to help you out xx Good luck hun x
The people you are buying pressies for are the people you love :) so i'm sure they love you just as much and will understand you can't do everything as usual xx but just think next Christmas you'll be looking back laughing at all the worry xx
hay Alison, if you get organised you can do it, just like everyone has said :) good luck honey :) xxx
hi alison one thing i can say is dont cancel your surgery, as every one has said internet shopping is good for everything good luck, you will be ok. xxxxx
I'd concentrate on getting the childrens pressies and only worry about other people if you feel up to it afterwards. I am having my op in 9 days so I have told them all I am not doing Christmas this year. Do you have sisters or SIL's that can help with the child care? Or friends? I would gladly help out if one of my friends were going into hospital. Good luck.
Thank you all so much, i have had a great response from everyone, i have had alot of peoples offer to help and i know its going to be hard but i am going to go ahead anyway just got to hope all goes fine and i am back on my feet asap :)
Thank you all so much, i have had a great response from everyone, i have had alot of peoples offer to help and i know its going to be hard but i am going to go ahead anyway just got to hope all goes fine and i am back on my feet asap :)
wishing you all the luck in the world Alison :) xxx
Good for you Alison, this is too important to be delayed because of Christmas. Good luck hun. xx
Good for you hun (((((((((hug)))))))))))) xx
when recovering what better way than Internet shopping!! I spent more money thru online ordering when I was recovering than on a typical week, prob due to boredom oops!! :)
Thanks everyone, jema it has been really fast had my endo on the 2nd sept so really dod not expect to get the call for surgery on the 10th nov ;/
Good decision, honey ... you won't regret it. Personally I was up to shopping less than 2 weeks post op anyway so you still have time before & depending how you are after you could do some of the last minute stuff yourself. Good luck, sugar xxx :D
Best of luck Alison. I agree with sorting your kids first for Xmas, Santa's still got to come! As for anyone else you buy for, you can get allsorts at the supermarket, so you can do it all in one place if you don't manage anything else. Good luck for the 6th!
How long since you had your endoscopy?

Hi i was looking back at my old posts and see when i went for my endo you were waiting for yours how did it go? u got a date yet hun?
Best of luck Alison. I agree with sorting your kids first for Xmas, Santa's still got to come! As for anyone else you buy for, you can get allsorts at the supermarket, so you can do it all in one place if you don't manage anything else. Good luck for the 6th!
How long since you had your endoscopy?

jema think i have posted this once but cant see it so apologise if you see 2 lol. i had my endoscopy on the 2nd september, got the shock of my life when i got the call on the 10th november to say op date is 6th december, waited a long time tho by the time i have op it will be about 18/19 months in total. :eek:
Good decision, honey ... you won't regret it. Personally I was up to shopping less than 2 weeks post op anyway so you still have time before & depending how you are after you could do some of the last minute stuff yourself. Good luck, sugar xxx :D

Thank you i have allsorts of emotions going on but i know i have to do it now, i have been given the chance now for a reason, and i have waited long enough and jumped through enough hoops, this time next month it will be all over and i will be on my way to a new life were food is not the biggest factor :D:D:)