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I'm home


New Member
Hi every one thanks for all your mesgs of support.

I'm home now, long day on Sat and I didn't take the anaesthetic well at all. 24hrs of none stop sickness but today feeling more human gain. Start soft foods tomorrow.

Keep you up dated,eating ice pops(tip tops) seems to help me keep fluids down.

Hope for some great weight loss now?? :)
Glad your safe and well gaggle, things will get better I am sure, look forward to hearing about your weight loss....take things easy and rest..Linda x
welcome back gaggle and welcome to the losing side xx
Thanks guys, just woke up after tummy ache. Gonna take some getting use too. My brain is saying its ok you can eat and drink lots but my body is saying what the hell are you doing few sips at a time . its mad my head and body are worlds apart at the mo, think it will be trial and error, but gona be so worth it, and yes at last on the right path.

Sure you lot will keep me on track..........

Glad it went ok, looking forward to hearing all about it and following your journey!
Heh hun glad it all went ok. will just take your body and mind a while to get used to your new smaller stomach. Look forwrad to tracking your progress and welcome to the losing side xx