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im new and need halp PLEASE


New Member
:cry::cry:hello everyone im new i need advise or help
middle of july i went to me GP and asked if i can be put forward for weight loss surgery at the moment i weigh around 25stone 2lbs ...horrendious i know:cry:,well my gp said i will let walsall manor hospital know .....during augast i had a phone call from dr khans secretary saying i got to wait as its got to go for funding ......i phoned dr khans secretary last week and have been told that the funding didnt pass i havnt even had a chance to have a consaltation with mr khan or dr hartland
over the last few years i have struggled with my weight i am not a big eater and am on constantly as i have a severly disabled daughter who needs round the clock care and medication .anyway over the years my gp has put me on reductal,and verious weight programs at portland st was heart unit all with no results as i cant stick to there times of eating due to my careing rolls i dont have time to sleep never mind sit down and eat breakfast in a morning,i am now struggling health wise feeling so sluggish,out of breath,loss of strentgh,also had to have surgery last year for heal spurs which i have been in pain for 3 years now with feet due to weight baring
i just dont know what to do just wished i had a chance to mee dr khan/hartland to explain my situation
i was told on the phone that i now have to go back to my gp and put on another 12 week program please help:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Relax, calm down, take a breath.....

Right which pct do you come under?

What area do you live in...

Message me on facebook, if you haven't got it then get it so you can message me, i am juliemills2003@yahoo.co.uk

I'll do my best to help you hon xx
calm down luv - julie will sort you out! lol
just wanted to wish you luck on your journey - like veronica, she was turned down funding by her pct but she fought against them and appealed and has now got funding, dont give up hun youl get there.
luv n hugs xxx
Welcome and I hope that Julie will be able to help you out. Don't dispair. It might be worth you writing to your PCT telling them about your health problems. I'm not sure, but hopefully someone here will be able to help you if Julie can't.

Welcome and I hope that Julie will be able to help you out. Don't dispair. It might be worth you writing to your PCT telling them about your health problems. I'm not sure, but hopefully someone here will be able to help you if Julie can't.

julie is on facebook but cant find her can you help
Relax, calm down, take a breath.....

Right which pct do you come under?

What area do you live in...

Message me on facebook, if you haven't got it then get it so you can message me, i am Expose Email

I'll do my best to help you hon xx

how do i find you julie on facebook im on there to
trina walker

Do a search on facebook using her email address.
If you look at Julies post you will be able to see her email address by clicking on "expose email"