Thanks everyone. There's not really any secret, I just stuck to the rules and I still break a few now and then. I eat what the family eat, nothing special, though I concentrate on eating more protein than anything else. I stop when I'm full and I drink plenty, most days. I'm not good at remembering to drink

I admit that I've had a very smooth run of things and I've always been a text book case which I am eternally thankful for as I know that some have had a much more ragged journey than myself. It is easy to become addicted to other things instead of eating. For a short time over the last 6 months I started smoking again in secret which left me stressed trying to hide the evidence and smell from my family as they would freak if they knew. I've given up again now so I'm happy about that. I've also caught myself drinking a little more alcohol than I used to. Probably not much at all for a 'normal' person (whatever that is) but I am finding myself drinking a glass of wine, sometimes too of an evening when before I would have maybe had a few glasses a week. I've realised this though and will deal with it as it's not a problem to stop. I just like wine and it has replaced diet coke.
The other thing I've become addicted to is clothes shopping. I still get a thrill out of trying something on that I can't believe will fit me and finding that it does and even looks good. I would love love love to go into a wedding dress shop and try on dresses as my own was a size 24 and there wasn't a shop I tried that had a dress in my size at the time and I was mortified everytime an assistant stood behind me holding a dress across my back to get an idea of what it might look like. Think I'd look a bit strange now though at 47 years old trying on skimpy wedding dresses ha ha.
All I'll say to everyone is that this is for life, not a quick fix. You have to live your life and as my lovely dietician Scott says repeatedly YOU ARE NOT ON A DIET. Just eat good healthy food the same as the rest of your family are doing. Have the odd bag of crisps and piece of cake when the occasion calls for it and just bloody well enjoy life to the full.
I couldn't have done it without the continued support of everyone on here and meeting up with people locally which I think is a must do if you possibly can. If there's no local group to you, form one. It's easy, it's just a drink in a local pub or coffee shop with people who are going through the same as you. The personal help you can get from just talking to others and finding out that your emotions, eating habits, problems etc. are normal and being shared with others in the same situation as you is priceless. For those of you who have children, think Mother and toddler group when you found out that everyone elses baby kept them awake at 3am screaming too and you weren't alone.
Take care everyone. My laptop is broken at the moment but I'm getting on when I can.
Love and best wishes to every one of you.
Kate xxx