Thanks everyone for your support. I'm trying again today. I've been drinking green tea with mint all day (needing the loo badly now lol) using sweeteners instead of sugar and I've brought some 10 calorie soups in to have if I need it. My job is so boring so I snack at work, but I've had some grapes today to help keep me going. This is the whole reason I need this operation, I just can't stop nibbling, well guzzling anyway. lol It's hard to believe I've got less than 2 weeks till my operation. I hope I can do enough with this diet to help undo some of the damage I did on Christmas day and yesterday. What's not helped is my colleague bringing in KFC for his lunch today. Git.
I can't blow this opportunity to get fit, healthy and better. I can't allow my own greed to blow the opportunity to be who I should be instead of this woman wrapped in fat, in pain in my back, hips, legs and ankles. I've made a list of things I'm looking forward to.
I'm looking forward to fitting in my bath properly.
I'm looking forward to having more energy.
I'm looking forward to being more mobile without pain.
I'm looking forward to looking at a plate of food and saying 'that's too much' instead of 'that's not enough'.
I'm looking forward to fitting into clothes that I can buy from most high street stores and not only from Evans and off Ebay.
I'm looking forward to being able to exercise.
I'm looking forward to my parents not nagging me about my weight or keeping an eye on what I'm eating.
I'm looking forward to giving all my fat clothes to my sister.
I'm looking forward to being thinner than my sister for the first time in 20 years.
I'm looking forward to being able to wipe my bum with no difficulty (sorry if that's too much info lol).
I'm looking forward to being able to walk without waddling.
I'm looking forward to walking up the three flights of stairs at work without being so out of breath I feel like I'm going to faint.
I'm looking forward to not being stared at when I walk down the street.
I'm looking forward to sitting on garden furniture without fearing it's going break under me.
I'm looking forward to watching the weight melt away and my clothes getting looser.
I've probably got more but they're the ones I can think of off the top of my head.