Forgot to weigh this morning, but yesterday I was 19.3.0 so lost half a pound this week. Better than gaining!
I have a fill on Wednesday, and I'm going to have a teeny fill I think. I woke up one day this week to find restriction had all but gone. It was an odd sensation, even before I tried to eat or drink I knew everything was more relaxed. I've been hungrier and I've been eating more.
I'm also so very bored of counting calories! I can't NOT, or I'd pile weight on, but it's very dull stuff. I've not been swimming at all, I've barely walked further than the car park and I've really let things slide this week.
Still, like Scarlett o'hara says, tomorrow is another day.
On a positive note, my bargain £3 copy of the lap-band solution arrived and I can't wait to have a read.
Another positive - on Thursday I will be 6 months post-op, with weight loss of over 5.1/2 stone. That's pretty good going