I had good old' gastric "tiny sack, laser beams" bypass surgery.
No one should take my experiences as the norm. It's very unique. However none of these surgeries is without potential risk, or even failure. My experience has not changed my opinion. WLS is an incredible way to have a new lease on life, in hundreds of ways.
I'm proof it is not impossible to re-stretch your pouch. I'm not the first, I won't be the last.
I can't reiterate enough, depression and poverty are the main factors in my situation. And even those were more likely in my case because of lack of support. When I moved BACK to Canada, I discovered there were no groups for people like me. Which was unfortunate. There may be groups more commonly available in Canada now, but I live and work in a small town so im reliant on my own will.
What changed so that I am BACK trying to fix all these problems? Many things. But the EXACT moment was when my girlfriend was watching a documentary called My 600 Pound Life. It reignited all the feelings, fears, hopes, disgust, happiness... And I realized how food has once again become a crutch as it had been in my younger years.
And on a very personal level, im the host, writer and creator or a TV series here in Ottawa, which I'm very proud of. However, I had avoiding WATCHING my own show for months because I knew I would be disgusted with who I saw. Because its purely a sign of my failure. As the show grows, seeing myself has become unavoidable. And I hate who I see. It's superficial. I'm healthy. I'm happy. I like myself. So when I see this funny, talented, handsome man has blown back up into a pile of skin and fat, it hurts.
It hurts because I let my doctors down. My nurses. All the folks who worked so much to create this miracle for me, and I let them down. That was irresponsible of me. I owe them. My life.
My choice was not cosmetic either. My life was SAVED. I had hypo gonadism. An often overlooked condition that affects many obese men through out their entire lives. My body couldn't create adrenalin or testosterone. I couldn't break down any fat, or build any muscle. I was dying and gaining weight so fast that this surgery was the only solution.
And I squandered it. It's not too late to fix the damage. Physically for myself, but also out of respect for the medical staff who shared their talent and love to save me.
Sent from my iPhone using WLSurgery