Well-Known Member
oooooh fingers crossed sweetness for a positive trip
x x x x huge hugs think about you often..... every time I see that rainbow too x x x x mawhhhhh
ty xxxGosh what an eventful morning glad your ok x x
thanks Hun hope that you're doing well huge hugs xxx xxxeventful to say the least..........but as long as your safe n soundbetter luck next time..... hope some sunshine arrives soon to warm the snow away x x x x
defo give them a miss Hun I would normally say everyone has their own taste but no way would I say these were edible. XxxOh no I'll defo not be buying any of those then! X X X
most definitely lolMaybe that's how you lose the weight, by not eating lol
not too bad thanks Hun dealing with stress but what's new lol hope you re fine and enjoyed your weekend xxxxHi Just to say hi, and catching up with your diary. Hope you are all well. Huge hugs xxxx