scoobydoobydoo, phatmomma and xxsarahxx
My muscle wastage is ONLY because I've been in bed ill since the.middle of February and then at the end if March my kidneys failed, so.literally bed bound for a month. It's all in my.diary etc I won't repeat it all here again. As a result I've lost muscle bulk from everywhere even my poor bum

and as I'm also dizzy all the time as well as suffering horrendous year to toe tremors, I'm not able to walk more than a few yards so I'm not rebuilding muscle.
Prior to the illness I was 100% fine, but I eat well and exercise about 5 times a week. I think I may need advice from a physiotherapist re rehab as I don't know where to start and the lack of mobility is driving me mad now, we've hired a wheelchair and I've borrowed a stick but its horrible

i hate it, hubby hates little ones aged 6&8 love it
I can eat more for sure, but still, as from day one chicken is the thing I can eat least of, veg is what I've really noticed I can cram in cos I love it and pick at what's left on the table!!! Totally breaking my rules!