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Is it possible to shrink your liver in 6/5 days?


New Member
Hiya All

I'm technically not a newbie because as you can see on the left I originally joined (minimins) last Jan, when I started Lighter Life for the second time but I never got around to posting anything and eventually forgot I had joined...LL didn't go well to say the least - I ended up 2 kilos heavier than I was at the start of it.

So while trawling for advice on how to stop my panic eating, when I should be on my pre-op diet (op on Wednesday 16 June), I found this forum again. *Kismet*?

I've struggled with my weight for over 10 years and have tried every diet at least twice. After much and various therapies - CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) seemed to work.

For months I've been fine - 3 meals a day no bingeing and no depressive episodes, then I get my date and the pre-op diet options, a choice of slim-fast, a milk diet (can't abide milk unless it's mixed with chocolate:D) or a 1000 calorie food diet. I chose the Slim-fast diet - BIG mistake as they tasted awful - for me they have a nasty chemical aftertaste - so for two days I basically had nothing but water and diet drinks. I changed to the 1000cal food diet, and while it was a struggle I did it for 3 days

Then on Monday after a stressful weekend (huge drama and arguments about my surgery), I binged on chinese food and since then I've eaten more than I was eating before I even started the pre-op diet.

So what I want advice on is whether I should cancel my op as I'm probably not ready for it and this is my usual self-sabotaging behaviour which I should sort out first. Or should I diet like mad for the next 5/6 days and hope I not only shrink my liver but that I can get my head back to where it needs to be?

I have lost 3 kilos (6.6lbs) since the beginning of my pre-op diet, but as I've been eating high fat high sugar foods, I'm sure my liver is as large as ever:sigh:

It would be possible to shrink your liver in time, but you would have to stick to the diet 100% from now until surgery. You will remember from your LL days that it usually takes 3/4 days to get into ketosis. The way we shrink the liver for our ops by reducing fat and carbs is effectively the same thing.

I dont think anyone here is qualified to advise about whether you are in the right headspace or not, but if YOU decide that you are ready for the op, it would be possible.
Good luck hope you manage to shrink your liver. I would say don't cancel the op you don't know when you would get another chance. At the end of the day though it is your decision so good luck with whatever you decide.
There are a few people on this site who went in for their WLS and were opened and closed up without having their operation due to the liver not strinking enough to have their operation. If you've stuck to diets like LL in the past, this one should be a doddle for you.

As Sam says, it is possible for this to happen but you have to give it your all for the short time you have left.

Do you think your ready for this op? It's a huge life changing decision, your going to be on a liquid diet for weeks, then pureed and soft food for a number of weeks after that. If your finding it hard now, are you going to be able to cope when you have no choice but to stick to it?

Only you can answer those questions. If you made the decision to have this operation you had already decided that you wanted/needed to change. If you are not prepared for that, perhaps you need more CBT inorder to get yourself in the right mindset.

Once you've had this op, there's no going back. If you choose to eat incorrectly after your op you could cause yourself irreperable damage. There are so many things that can happen if you are not mentally prepared for this. May be you should speak to your bariatric team re your concerns. Perhaps your just having a last minute wobble, we all do.

I do hope you make the right decision for you, good luck x
Hi there,

As all the replies so far, yes, if you 100% stick to a really low fat/low carb diet it should shrink your liver fine. However, I think Gail made some very astute points in her post, so it will need some real soul searching to answer those questions. I hope you can reach a decision that is good for you xxx
Yes it is possible and if it was me then i would cut out all the carbs and just have protein (lean) and a tiny bit of green veg and no fruit as fruit has alot of carbs, and the whole point is to reduce the amount of glycogen in ur system and the only way to do that is limit the carbs, but as u have such a short time then it wont harm u to cut out all the carbs, of course this is not a healthy diet but as its only for a few days then it will not matter, and you will have a very good chance to get ur liver as small as poss.
Good luck in what ever choice u make x
:thankyou:to everyone for your answers/advice - I'm going to go for it, I've worked hard up to this point and I think this last week has been an awful blip for me, but a blip none-the-less.:)
@jj87 this thread is seven years old and none of the posters are still active.

From reading your thread, it sounds like you haven't been having anywhere near enough of your shakes which may have led you to 'fail'?

You really need to stick to the diet you were given and if for some reason you can't (I don't mean won't) you need to get in touch with your team.

There is a very real chance that not complying could lead to no op. The liver needs to be small enough for the surgeon to move so its vital that you stick to what you have been advised to do. This applies to pre and post op, as post op you will also have to be on a liquid diet for some time.
@jj87 this thread is seven years old and none of the posters are still active.

From reading your thread, it sounds like you haven't been having anywhere near enough of your shakes which may have led you to 'fail'?

You really need to stick to the diet you were given and if for some reason you can't (I don't mean won't) you need to get in touch with your team.

There is a very real chance that not complying could lead to no op. The liver needs to be small enough for the surgeon to move so its vital that you stick to what you have been advised to do. This applies to pre and post op, as post op you will also have to be on a liquid diet for some time.
Thank u for your post. From tomorrow I will ensure I follow it to the letter . so hopefully 10days will get me to wear I need to be. 5shakes just so hard to do..... But I no its a must. X
Thank u for your post. From tomorrow I will ensure I follow it to the letter . so hopefully 10days will get me to wear I need to be. 5shakes just so hard to do..... But I no its a must. X

You can do it, the reason you can have so many is so you will feel as if you have lots and don't feel deprived. After a couple of days it gets so much easier, I promise x
Jst hate the shakes..... Not managing all
How you getting on hun??

I am finding it harder, have introduced a small amount of chicken and veg xx

Stay strong xxx
Of them. But I will try to today... Wht diet plan did they put u on
Jst hate the shakes..... Not managing all

Of them. But I will try to today... Wht diet plan did they put u on

They put me on shakes but I can introduce meet and veg if I wish - so on days that I am struggling I have a small amount of real food.

I am missing it though :( - it isnt easy but it has to be done.

Lost 9lbs on pre op diet already but I think most the weight was from holiday. I have only lost a 1lbs since my consultation as put on 7pbs whilst away :( xxx