Actually, fat isn't 'attached' to muscle at all...if we are carrying alot of fat, then fat can be stored in the muscle, as well as in the liver, kidneys and other body areas (hips, thighs, tummy etc esp. in women). The longer you diet, the greater these fat stores will be diminished....coupled with exercise, you should lose all storage of fat in muscle/visceral organs totally. It may well be the case however, that when you are near your goal weight, you may have areas that no matter what you do, you will find it hard to shift those pockets of fat. Much of that could be attributed to stretched skin...will fat deposit underneath, being responsible for the 'wobbly bits'! You would be then looking at surgery and/or lipo to remove it...if surgery isn't an option, what about joining a gym where you have access to a personal trainer who could help devise an exercise plan for very specific areas?