hey all again
thanks for replying, im now on the horrid milk diet,its day 2 and im feeling like shi* i know i need to do this and sticking to it isnt a problem really,its just im so scared about my upcoming op,the pre op went well,can you believe i was the only person there that lost weight since my last visit,12 pounds actually without even trying ! i nearly fell off the scales when she told me !
obviously i enjoyed my last 2 days of eating,i had steak and kebab although not together ! oh and kfc
well i had lost 12 pounds ! so anyway i have to be at the hospital next wednesday for 7.30am ! i just hope im the first one down to theatre so im not waiting around to much.because of the diet im on now im constantly running to the toilet for a wee which is good i suppose it means im losing more weight ! im so bloody cold though and i cant stomach all that milk im only managing about a pint to a pint a half a day,im meant to have 4 pints !!! still i suppose it will be worth it in the end,ive not been tempted to cheat either,i guess its nerves about the op,knowing i have to do this means im not even thinking about actually eating,although dont get me wrong im bloody starvin ! i could murder a big fat bacon sarnie
did i just say that ! so anyhow reply all you wish and i really appreciate the replies,i will check back in a bit any questions please ask away i wont be offended 
thanks for replying, im now on the horrid milk diet,its day 2 and im feeling like shi* i know i need to do this and sticking to it isnt a problem really,its just im so scared about my upcoming op,the pre op went well,can you believe i was the only person there that lost weight since my last visit,12 pounds actually without even trying ! i nearly fell off the scales when she told me !
obviously i enjoyed my last 2 days of eating,i had steak and kebab although not together ! oh and kfc