Ok update time!
Last Thursday I attended the dressing clinic and they revealed all and my absolute amazement!!! I've got no stitches! :-0 I said what!!! She said he has stitched you from the inside to make minimal scaring! She said don't ask me how they do it lol so the outside had been stuck together with prickstick lol nah only joking its sirgicle glue
It looks brilliant! It's so neat and tidy I'm so very pleased and lucky as my last tuck compared was a mess,but still was greatfull all the same.
So my dressings came off,I was told I could shower but not bath! I'm not to over wet it and I'm to make sure it's dry properly before I get dressed,she said in 1 weeks time I can start putting E45 on the scars but only a little! Not to over do it as it's best to keep the scar line as dry as can be.
My next app was with the OT to get fitted for my support knickers,as this time they have me am abdominal binder which is a bit rubbish,the OT had made me 2 pairs,with braces!!! I said OMG I don't want braces on them :-/ so she said its to stop them rolling down but I said ill do without thank u lol
They are so tight!! Tighter than I can remember my other tummy tuck ones being but because it's been provided by a expert u think its right! But the pain I got from them didn't seem right,when I got home I went to the loo and was horrified to see that I had blood on them,they were that tight it had opened up my drain hole!
So I rang dressing clinic back,she said oh it all looked nice and dry when I seen you,so she said just express gently as much blood out if it as u can :-/ so I did and there was only a very small amount left to come out so it's all healed now,as the pressure garment I've been using the binder again,as I'm just not comfortable at all with it!
And I've been reading about them and the yanks don't even use support garments anymore as they say it's doesn't benefit you and in fact can restrict blood flow to the scars and cause skin death! So I'm having serious second thoughts! What do u all think?
I've now been discharged and my next app will be with my surgeon at 3 months post op,after care and advice is very poor in my opinion! I mean after surgery they told me to walk hunched over,but failed to say only for a day or too! I went a week walking like that untill the nurse at dressings clinic informed me I should be standing upright now or ill do my back in,how was I supposed to know,I could of ended up looking like quazzy mo-do's cast off!
Pain wise is ok! I've been able to do all sorts,I've been out and about I've even been driving short distances,today I have been all day with no pain killers,until about an hour ago when I let out an almighty sneeze! :-0 so I've taken 1 tramadol and it's bedtime soon anyway,the pain from the start lady's is very bearable Indeed,I've had worse toothache and I suppose so long as you keep ontop of your pain meds you'll be fine and then gradually you'll notice your not needing them so often.
My results I'm over the moon with! I've taken some pics and I will continue to update,I've lost a stone in weight since my op too so that's nice