Ok update time

the good the bad and the ugly
I'm 3 weeks post op today,and I must say I'm doing ok,I have been very comfortable and have been doing quite a bit really,but although I feel ok doing things,it's later that I find I suffer,my tummy at times feels really acey,like you get if you've done a lot of abb crunches.
The swelling over the past week had lessened.
My scar is healing very nicely,infact pretty much done,and the stitches have come out of the belly button and scabs dropped off,I still can't believe how nice my belly button is!
A few nights now I have been woken up by my husband gasping! Lyndsey!!! I say what!!? Your on your side! Lol apparently I say oh just a few more minutes please! I miss sleeping on my side.
I think out minds are cleaver things because during the first 2 weeks I stayed on my back with no sneaking onto my side,so now I'm further along my body and mind must know that I'm healing good.
I've a section above my belly button ( I made a separate post about this) that is hard like stone,I'm unsure if it's normal or not but from what I can find on the net,it's either scar tissue or fat necrosis,this isn't as bad as skin necrosis.
I also have hardens arrears along my scar too.
I have also weighed myself This week and I'm pleased to announce a happy result,I weigh 10lb less than the day I went into surgery,so that's 5lb from the weight of my skin and 5lb from feeling like not eating to much.
I've mostly lived of soups,and bread rolls,I've found since my TT that I get full very quickly after eating,it's great! And I will hope maybe I can shift maybe 7lb more,I don't need to but I'd like to,and it's ok to loose this after the tuck,they say around 10lb loss but nomore than a 20lb loss is ok post op,and won't affect the results.
Saturday night I had a little accident and hurt my tummy,during the small hours ( in the dark) I was tending to my daughter and walked into the baby safety gate,it's metal and hip height!

but not once but twice I walked into it,I've bruised my scar a little and was feeling really sorry for my poor tummy.
Since then I have been in pain,I'm not so sure it's all from that knock because today I have noticed as yesterday too I'm very stiff and my tummy feels uncomfortable to bend or walk.
Yesterday I traveled for 3/4 hours in a car to visit my parents and when I got there I was so so stiff
Today while I was preparing to take my 3 weeks tummy photos I was horrified to see that my tummy not only hurts but is huge!! My belly is compared to last weeks pictures,bloody awful my belly looks like a bum at the bottom with a overhang.
I rang the hospital as I must admit I felt scared that I'd either done damage with the knock or something wasn't right.
My after care from the hospital has been very poor! My only visit post op was to the dressings clinic 7 days post op.
My next app to be seen is 9th of August and I only got this by ringing to enquire when I will be seen.
So today I had no idea who to ring! My GP!? Or the hospital,so I rang up my plastic surgeons secretary who said its the dressings clinic you see.
I rang them and told them about my bum belly ( lol ) and she said to come in for them to take a look and an hour later I arrived and the nurse first looked me over and agreed it looked like a overhang,she said its possible you have some fat necrosis ( I hope not!! )
She then called for the surgeon to look at me,he first off said I remember you from the ward! Massive weight loss !! He said my scars are looking very good,as for the swelling he said I can't feel anywhere that I could perhaps drain it for you,and nor was he concerned in anyway because visually on the outside Its looking ok,swelling is to be expected and quite possibly I could have some fat necrosis,the only problems that they might cause is infection,as for the pain he is unsure why,he explained that during a TT when they lift the abdomen up they shave off layers and then the first layer relies on the top layer of blood vessels to keep going and sometimes the fat dies resulting in fat necrosis,or something like that anyway.
Also I must say this week and since the op really I've not been going to the toilet for a number 2 as often as I should,I'm going 4/5 days before any movement and I'm taking senna max strength which doesn't work,Friday I was in pure agony! Shaking and sweating in pain I drank prune juice and drank so much water that nothing helped I ended up with tablets and not for my mouth if you know what I mean! I must mention this to my GP if things don't start to improve.
Ok,and I must thank 1 lady from this forum who has been amazing to me through all of this,on my facebook and by text,she has been such a big help and has answered all my questions and believe me there has been many!! And sorry to say probably more to come lol
She herself has had an amazing weight loss journey and a TT and is a an amazing and beautiful person so to RUSTYANGEL thank you!!!!!
I'm going to add now the pictures that I took today,I don't want to as I don't look good,but I will because my whole reason for my posts is to help you wonderful people on here,maybe not now or even in 12 months time,someone might be thankful to read this to compare and see what is to be expected,so for that reason here goes... I'm putting 1 of last weeks on next to it so you yourself can see the bum belly lol
Last weeks
This week aka bum belly :-(
3 weeks belly button,healed well,with 1 stitch just clinging on there I see!
Look at that swelling
More of the swelling
On a better note,this was me yesterday fooling around mad as ever!
I've also since my op had myself a tongue pierced here's a pic
And a new tattoo,it's on my other wrist,it's of a bird with take me far written on it
Mwahhh! Thank you for reading and for all your lovely comments,it's so nice.
And I also keep my watchful eye on all of your story's and love to see just how well all you amazing people are doing. Xxx