Active Member
wow thats great and just goes to show even if the weight is slow coming off that the inches are still falling away
Well done salliebeth I've noticed I'm losing more inches than pounds I checked some comparison photos made me feel more positive, 1st one last April 2nd last July both pre op last one was 2 days ago
so fantastic. XxxJust had to let someone know - I've just been to our locallittle ASDA store and bough a size 24 coat in the sale for £10.00!!!! I was size 28!!! The scales aren't showing great weight loss, but something is obviously changing!!!! I was SO chuffed!!!!!Had a sleeve 1 month ago. Love sal xxx
I am very happy to report that I have completely stopped snoring and I was one epic, house shaking, wake myself up snorer. Couldn't understand why as I have lost more weight than this on numerous occasions but after a bit of research have discovered a school of thought that a low carbohydrate diet makes a huge difference - my husband is sooooo happy, said he even had to listen for a while last night just to make sure I was breathing! Long may it continue!!
I wish I was a loser :-(
Yep. I've lost 4" from my waist, 1" from bust and 1cm from my ankles!!! This was two weeks ago though. Nothing since. I'm rubbish:-(Have you measured? previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
Yep. I've lost 4" from my waist, 1" from bust and 1cm from my ankles!!! This was two weeks ago though. Nothing since. I'm rubbish:-(
Snap!!!! Hubby says I have completely stopped snoring, and he too checks I am still breathing when I am asleep!!!! Didn't know about the low carb diet altering snoring!
Love sal xxx
Snap!!! I've had a c pap machine n not used it this week as I've lost almost two stone n most off my neck lol, I've not snored at all, not sire if its to do with milk diet or no carbs, but whatever it is, I'm hoping to rid the blasted machine back to the hospitalwill take it with me for op but hope not to have to use it
previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.
Yep. I've lost 4" from my waist, 1" from bust and 1cm from my ankles!!! This was two weeks ago though. Nothing since. I'm rubbish:-(