You are really going through the mill aren't you and your treatment has not been really good during this admission? Your poor arms must be a real mess. When can you get to speak to Mr Jain? The weight loss on paper sounds brilliant except you are obviously very unwell, losing muscle and fat and you will be all wrinkly like a prune if you don't get to proper hydration levels. Is you wee a good colour (too dark = lack of fluids) and can put strain on your kidneys. Make sure you call on Monday to try to speak to Mr Jain.
I am not brilliantly the moment . Trying to drink plenty but I am having periods of sicky head/ feeling feint. I think maybe the heat -30 degrees today - is getting to me so I have put the air conditioning on in the bedroom and escape into there when I get too hot. I have gone in the pool - I think chlorine will kill any bugs on my suture line and to be honest, dipping in the pool is so lovely. I did 150 lengths today (1.5 km). I am really worried that I have not lost weight and I will turn up to see Mr Jain on 15 June as fat as ever. I so wish I had packed my scales as it would lessen my anxiety.
My husband keeps saying - don't worry, your on holiday just relax, it's going to be slow so don't expect to lose any when your away - but nothing has worked long term for me and I know this is my last chance. I know that as soon as I get back I will get on the scales but that's a whole week away. Still I can't do anything about it but my friends arrive tonight and one of them hasn't seen me since 5 days post-op so she may offer a glimmer hope. Hubby travels home tomorrow so it's girls only for the second week.
Let me know how the puree goes - my first one was stew minus meat - good meaty flavoured gravy and vegs. After that it was mashed potato and salmon with sauce - moist was the main thing.
SJ xx
Hiya no its been awful I'm black and blue my arms look like iv crushed them they are that black!
I'm calling Monday its been so awful. My wee was dark brown I hadn't been for 16hrs yet they said the tiny 1-2cm of blood they did get was enough to do all bloods... Kidney function was normal he said all came back fine yet I was dry as a bone couldn't wee and my mouth so dry it was like cotton.
When I questioned how could you do full bloods with such little blood he said they got what they were looking for.
Then spoke to another Dr later on and he admitted they couldn't do full bloods coz wasn't enough blood from the morning. Yet they sent me home like it, but luckily iv managed more fluid yesterday and its been OK not great but OK today.
As for weight loss the dietitians wasntnto happy that I lost all that weight in a week! So iv been trying to get protein in and started purée yesterday had salmon and Philly light. And today had some corned beef cheese mash and gravy. Went down well,
Babe please don't worry I'm sure you have lost weight just stick to the plan have a Fab time on ya holiday stop worrying you will have lost especially swimming so bloody much I get shattered walking to the car or around the shop had to sit down the other day I was so dizzy.
Jus stay cool remember this is taking all your body's efforts to heal, just take it easy relax and give it time.
Can't you go to a local pharmacy and get weighted? If that will make you feel Better?
I'm sure your doing Fab hun honestly just enjoy your holiday yuou paid to have a Fab time not to worry about weight lap up the sun drink plenty of water keep hydrated and all will be amazing when your home.
How are your ports now? Are they looking any more infected?
Hope your having a Fab time I can't wait to go to France on 29th June. Just booking to go to Alicante Spain end Aug coz my gfs mum lives there so going for 10days can't wait!!
By then I'll be fitter and healthier fingers crossed xxx