How's everyone doing? Xx
Today's weight - 12st 13lbs Weight loss since last weigh in - 2lbs Weight loss since pre op - 13st 7lbs Weight loss since op - 12st 6lbs Can't actually believe I am 12st something!!
I had an abdominoplasty yesterday. Just saw under the supporting garment. Amazed how flat it looks. I posted a pic of the removed skin on my blog thread if anyone wishes to see.
The surgeon commented that there was a lot of skin and very little fat removed.
Wow, it's amazing what's able to be achieved. Hope you're recovering well!! xxx
Yeah. I was able to go out shopping the next day but had to rest frequently. It feels more uncomfortable than painful. I'll go back to work for a day this weekend but I'm still in my rest time.
Today's weight - 12st 10lbs Weight loss since last weigh in - 3lbs Weight loss since pre op - 13st 10lbs Weight loss since op - 12st 9lbs
that is good news, how are the drains doing?Today's weight - 93.2kg Weight loss since last weigh in - 2.0kg (2 weeks) Weight loss since pre op - 70.1kg Weight is dropping at around 1lb/day with swelling going down after abdominoplasty. I've also reverted back to post-op diet as I've lost my appetite, making the most of this, it's like a pouch reset.