Hi everyone
Sorry I've not been in touch before now.
6 days post op .......... so how's it been for me:
BODY - I have gone from being totally wiped out (day 1) to feeling pretty normal (day 5)! All my abdominal discomfort has gone and my wounds are healing beautifully, or so my partner says!!!! Still abit swollen around the middle but its not bad considering. The only downside is shoulder pain and boy is it a downside

. Had me in tears day 4!!!
FOOD - fluids only is seriously hard work!! Just so boring ..... Please please please post some ideas ? Anything but Slimfast!!! Can I have a banana mashed within an inch of its life

MY THOUGHTS- I'm still really excited. I dont plan to weigh myself until I go for my first fill which is weeks away...... is this a good or bad idea? all advice/thoughts welcome!
A big bIG BIG THANKYOU to everyone who has posted advice on dealing with post op shoulder pain...... you guys are a godsend to a newbie like me!!!! You kept me positive when it was bad. XX.