Well-Known Member
I have been using the word 're-set' as well - all the time! I cannot think of it as a diet because that does make me quite anxious and fight-y and defiant
I was tested for sleep apnea about four years ago, but they just said I was a snorer...
Four kids - my worrying I am too busy to do this suddenly looks like foolishness
I am very nervous, not excited at all. As I say: tremendously ambivalent. But resolute and curious. That's going to have to do
I just told my mum and brothers two weeks ago - they are surprisingly supportive. I was worried my mum would be worried - she is not very well.
My partner and select friends know as well - I sent them links and vids and instructionsThey're lovely, arranging hospital shifts.
Re-setting or restoring to factory settings is the way forward for sure
If you've been tested for it previously then I assume that's why they aren't doing it again, same reason I don't have to faff about testing for diabetes, I never got gestational diabetes during pregnancy (despite being tested every pregnancy just because I'm fat) so they are happy to take that as enough proof I'm not now. I guess it helps my last pregnancy was relatively recently lol.
Four kids are definitely time consuming, and energy consuming and sleep consuming but they are my world and my reason for doing the wls. My third pregnancy didn't go to plan, I ended up with an emcs at 32 weeks due to severe preeclampsia that left me hypertensive and also higher risk of things like stroke etc due to having had preeclampsia which on top of everything was my catalysts.
It's good you have so much support, it will definitely make post op easier. I've told loads of people my plans. Its not like I'm going to be able to hide it once the weight starts coming off.