New Member
Well my long awaited dietician's appointment finally came around today. It's the first time I've even seen one and I'm 8 months post-op today !
Anyway, she was delighted with my progress - apparently the success measure for a bypass is 60% excess weight lost and I have achieved over 80% already.
I've never been given a target, I think she said my "ideal" weight is 65kg and I weighed 164lbs this morning, so that means.... err, grab iPhone, convert kg to lbs, lbs to stones... :sign0163: my brain hurts... ....I think I have one and a half stone to lose ? But she did say that I must decide when I feel comfortable, and also that my body will naturally settle at some point which may or may not be the "ideal".
She went through my eating habits and said I'm making good food choices and is very pleased with how I've adjusted. I confessed that I have not been taking in nearly enough fluids and accepted her admonishment for that. :nono: I'm terrified of trying any bread but she advises me to try now as I am certainly becoming more tolerant. I find weekday lunches really difficult when the only shops around the office sell mostly sandwiches, and working lunches in the office are always sandwiches too. :cry: I just want to be able to eat half a sandwich, or have toast and Marmite for breakfast (ooh, BTW, I just bought a new jar of "extra mature" Marmite in Sainsbury's this afternoon - apparently the flavour's really intense !!)
Anyway, she left me with some dietary advice (still think I should have had this a looong time ago !!) and wants to see me again in 3 months.
She went through my eating habits and said I'm making good food choices and is very pleased with how I've adjusted. I confessed that I have not been taking in nearly enough fluids and accepted her admonishment for that. :nono: I'm terrified of trying any bread but she advises me to try now as I am certainly becoming more tolerant. I find weekday lunches really difficult when the only shops around the office sell mostly sandwiches, and working lunches in the office are always sandwiches too. :cry: I just want to be able to eat half a sandwich, or have toast and Marmite for breakfast (ooh, BTW, I just bought a new jar of "extra mature" Marmite in Sainsbury's this afternoon - apparently the flavour's really intense !!)
Anyway, she left me with some dietary advice (still think I should have had this a looong time ago !!) and wants to see me again in 3 months.
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