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Just want to know...


New Member
Hello everyone,

I just wan to ask you all post-oppers, when did you start eating the following?

1. mushroom
2. scrambled eggs
3. Chinese food (if you did)
i have tried scambeld egg from about 4 weeks still carnt tollirate egg in any form,
mushrooms about 4 weeks i love them,
havent tried chinesse yet but i wouldnt have take aways if i did try i would make at home.
Hiya. Scrambled eggs from a couple of months out-not a full one straight off.
Couldn't tolerate mushrooms till about 4 weeks ago so 7 months out. I have to be careful and chew them VERY well !! i haven't had a take away but cook my own Chinese food in the form of stir fries with chinese seasoning. I don't have rice or noodles but find beansprouts, if well chewed and eaten slowly, are very satisfying!
Enjoy xx
strange how we all can tollirate things at differant times,
farzu i forgot to mention i am 6 weeks out and sen the diettion from the hospital today and she said i can try ant food i want now its up to me, anything i have tried i just take it east with, i am going to try and have an eggt for my brakefast tommorrow. xxxxx
Have been having eggs for about 2 weeks , can tolerate scrambled , poached & dry fried. Mushrooms for last 5 days , again dry fried .
I am 4 weeks out xx
thanks you lovelies, i am 2 weeks post of today and dieing to try some different food than pureed :(. I want to try corned beef but don't know how to cook it. can anyone help please.
I'd be wary of corner beef , it can be very fatty. Look at good quality ones .
what about pureed baked beans? i already tried some mashed potato with lots of gravy and like it. stayed down very well.
I had baked beans on pureed stage , pureed them with mash
Did you not get a booklet from your dietician with suggestions and foods to avoid?
I have been told to stay away from mushrooms until 6 months when I am allowed beef and pork again.
It's amazing how every hospital is different. My hospital go more on texture for stages than what it is you are eating particularly. And doing it healthily of course.
i had scrambled egg when i was on pureed stage..after 10 days for me. then at 4 weeks i was on soft food stage and tried mushrooms.
Im 18 weeks post op and havnt tried any chinese food... but only because chinese food can be very high in sugar.. but then i like sweet and sour... but there is prob plenty of chinese foods which are lower in sugar xx
do a corned beef hash or mash and tinned mince or lamb.mash and pureed cod in sauce.watch beans and peas they cripple me now with wind!Ive had take away just a little taste and a small spoon of rice but im 13 months out.
I got the booklets from the hospital but still need to try out myself as everyone's eating habbit is so different and also the tollerance level. I didn't used to like too spiecy food before but now i like more spiecy food. i made some chili type thing with chicken mince without the beans and mushroom and pureed it but once i had that i didn't want to have it again. don't know why though. I don't really like the same food again once i have it. my taste buds are going crazy with flavours lol.
yes thats the way i was adviced to as fuffs says its more the texture than what the differant foods are, glad you are trying differant this faruz and not feeling sick thats a good sign. xxxx
Yeah well done Farzu sounds like you doing well. I had scrambled eggs early on but struggled later on with omletts but like poached eggs , still have scrambled egg some days have most things once the texture change comes in after the puree then soft phase with bit more lumps then it was ordinary food, they say be wary of steak an dthe like but as long as meat is well cooked and you chew it well shouldnt be a problem but like we see what one can tollerate another cant my dietician said what doesn suit you one day will suit you anothre so keep on trying the food at intervals and you will be able totollerate eventually. xx