A Very Happy Bunny
Yeah it's all good today, I'm sat in the treatment chair at Christies waiting for them to pump me full of chemo drugs LOL
Oooh, brilliant timing on my part
Yeah it's all good today, I'm sat in the treatment chair at Christies waiting for them to pump me full of chemo drugs LOL
Yeah it's all good today, I'm sat in the treatment chair at Christies waiting for them to pump me full of chemo drugs LOL
Oooh, brilliant timing on my partso sorry, Karl xx Hope you are feeling as OK as possible xx
Does this mean you will feel sick for days? Has anything changed with Chemo? And-are you allowed to have any HAPPY meds in order to counteract any of this? I am not sure any exist where Chemo is involved?
In a two year span-about 4 years ago now, my Mum had skin cancer (melanoma), my older sister had ovarian cancer, my younger sister had uterine cancer and my Dad had prostate cancer. They all survived the whole mess. I do recall at the time having somewhat of a throw myself down fit whilst talking to my Mum. I told her when it's my turn (do you love my hopeful positive thinking?)- then I WANT any meds I can get my hands on that will help. Period. I don't want to be brave. I want the drugs.
I am sure they would hate to see me coming.
Hope it isn't too awful today!
Good luck Karl, Just because I dont post on this thread often doesnt mean you are not in my thoughts often.
Lynne x
It's not too bad Sam, I feel a little yuckie the day after they put it in but it's not too bad and I haven't had to take any time off work with it. As to whether it's working or not well we will get an idea in three weeks when I have my next scan. Thanks hun xxx
My boss keeps telling me to take it easy and only come in if I'm up to it, and I should take more time off etc, but I'd go out of my mind with boredom. Work is what I'm good at (Really good actually LOL) its what I do until the weekends get in the way LOL
Seriously work helps, my phone and email never stop, (I'm responsible for the learning and development of 400 people) so I get there at 6.45am and leave around 3.30pm unless I'm working away when I usually end up doing 12 hour days with the driving etc. It keeps my mind occupied and that helps a lot.