You guys are the best. Thanks ever so much for you kind words thoughts and prayers. I got home a couple of hours ago and just wanted you all to know that I'm ok. I'll fill in some of the blanks below but understand completely if those new members who don't know me decide to skip this post, or if those that do get fed up part way through and skip to the end LOL

Basically I developed an infection in my liver caused by a build up of Bilirubin due to a blockage in my gal bladder. I was chuffin yellow from head to foot LOL. In a normal person Bilirubin would be around 17 to 20, mine reached 400. This resulted in Biliary sepsis and shut down my Kidneys. I was taken into Trafford General who at first thought it was hepatitis but after four days they moved me to the HDU at North Manchester where I stayed for a few hours before being moved to the ICU where I was to spend the next ten days.
A CT scan revealed my Pancreas has developed a tumour and it is believed that it was this that blocked my system. An emergency operation to insert drains and a stent in my Gal bladder and liver was carried out, and they called my family back to the hospital as they didn't expect me to make it through the night. I was away with the fairies hallucinating, shouting, singing at the top of my voice, abusing the medical staff, and basically just being a right pain in the arse so was unaware of any of this. The doctors said we'll hit him with everything that we can but the chances were very slim and they should pray for a miracle.
It was touch and go for three days and Val and Kaylian slept on benches outside ICU for this time praying for the best but expecting the worst. Well I guess the prayers worked because after five days and three bouts of dialysis coupled with God only knows how many drugs had been pumped into me I made it through. Yay me

My kidneys started to work again which was a real bonus as they were far from sure that they would ever recover.
I was eventually moved out of ICU onto a ward and just waiting for the Bilirubin levels to drop low enough for me to go home. They ordered another CT scan and that showed a problem with my liver. So an MRI scan was ordered that showed up abscesses on my liver caused by the infection. Yet another setback. They put me back on IV antibiotics in an effort to clear them up, if they didn't respond it was another trip to theatre to have them manually drained, so after a few days CT scan number four showed that these cysts had responded and no operation was needed. Happy days
Then to cap it all fluid built up on right lung that had to be drained. It was so funny though as the soon to qualify student nurse sent to escort me to the theatre passed out when they inserted the needle into my back. I heard the noise but my eyes were shut tight as I'm a mard arse where this sort of thing is concerned, but when the doctor said its out Karl you can open your eyes now, I said where did the nurse go? he said she had to run away as she fainted a little, I said believe me mate if I could have run away I'd have beaten her to it LOL :8855:
So the last few days have just been about taking blood samples every day and checking my obs every couple of hours, then when the microbiologist was happy they switched me to oral antibiotics so I could come home and here I now am.
I'll be on these drugs for a month then I have to go back for another CT scan, and then we can start to deal with the cancer. I don't know much about it as I didn't want to discuss that until this current battle was won and though I still have a way to go I'll get through this and then its onto the next fight
Thanks again for your kind words and to any that read through this well done you