PiiNK_PuNkStarr x
iM ON MY WaY!!..
Went to see the emergency docs last night as i have a fluid build up in my thigh and i was freaking.. she sed its normal and will disolve on its own so thats all good. i feel imeadeatly much better ..
been to the toilet today and feeel better as i can go normaly now no straining... also took off my binder today to put it on straighter as it was digging in looked first time in mirror and whoa my tummy is tight and smooth apart from bumps of the swelling... i have no jelly tummy omg it made all this so worth while omg happier then i have been in days... and ive had quite a lot of tears and emotions..
swelling is bad but just started taking arnica and bromelian as been told they are good so lets see.
going for my dressing change on friday and i might have dressings off all together we shall see... i want to take pics for you but it will have to wait.. mine is a bit more intensive as ive had a FDL TT (vertical and horizontal) so ill have a huge scar down middle too but so worth it compared to the mass of skin i had in middle...
so thats all i can manage for now ladies...
i really want to see mandys pics!!!
... hint hint @ mandy.. x
here are a few of my diary extracts.
So i thought i better do a quick writeup the night before my surgery , its 11:45pm , ive just got changed into my sleep nightie & drunk my last bit of water im allowed before surgery. Have been told im 2nd on the list which is around 10am, so by dinnertime tomoz i should be all done and resting. My surgeon will be coming to see me first thing to draw on me and i have to sign a consent form to allow him to operate , he will go through all the risks and complications with me. watching shutter island on these hospital tv's which cost a fortune to rent but saves boredom i guess...this film is creeepy!! but takes my mind off tomoz a bit...im feeling ok half asleep but wide awake at the same time , had my BP checked twice and had a blood thinning injection in my hip. nurses seem friendly enough , the room is pretty impressive, its a newly built hospital and im in my own side room with an ensuite bathroom all to myself... Tom says its better then his travel lodge haha.
Spent years dreaming of this and here i am seems like just yesterday i was 25 stone , ill be ok i owe it to myself and all those i inspire, my story and message to everyone is not done with , will write more in morning..
its morning and woke up around 6am & first thought was "LONGGGG DAY AHEAD" mouths all dry not allowed to drink aything or eat so it feels icky. The thing i hate the most is these dammm stockings i have to wear for the leg compression they feel so tight it almost hurts. TOLD IM GOING IN FIRST!! as first surgeon was running late so im up!! omg im freaking a little now... my hands are shaking so badly lol...gawd this is crazy it hurts just thinking about it all , but i know it will be ok....so last night i slept well , i did have a light sedative to help me sleep though so maybe that...soon as i dropped off to sleep i was woken at 1am by doctor coming in to take bloods... was told they needed it incase complications in the op , as i was overweight for long time my bodys blood vessels are larger then most so i have a high risk of over bleeding in the operation.
still feeling ok about it though...i can smell the breakfast trolleys coming and stupid nurse teases me by asking if im nill by mouth and cant eat... i say yeah and she goes away lol.... mouth so dry.
wish i could go for a run...
this was my before surgery diary i will write more later ...
So i thought i better do a quick writeup the night before my surgery , its 11:45pm , ive just got changed into my sleep nightie & drunk my last bit of water im allowed before surgery. Have been told im 2nd on the list which is around 10am, so by dinnertime tomoz i should be all done and resting. My surgeon will be coming to see me first thing to draw on me and i have to sign a consent form to allow him to operate , he will go through all the risks and complications with me. watching shutter island on these hospital tv's which cost a fortune to rent but saves boredom i guess...this film is creeepy!! but takes my mind off tomoz a bit...im feeling ok half asleep but wide awake at the same time , had my BP checked twice and had a blood thinning injection in my hip. nurses seem friendly enough , the room is pretty impressive, its a newly built hospital and im in my own side room with an ensuite bathroom all to myself... Tom says its better then his travel lodge haha.
Spent years dreaming of this and here i am seems like just yesterday i was 25 stone , ill be ok i owe it to myself and all those i inspire, my story and message to everyone is not done with , will write more in morning..
its morning and woke up around 6am & first thought was "LONGGGG DAY AHEAD" mouths all dry not allowed to drink aything or eat so it feels icky. The thing i hate the most is these dammm stockings i have to wear for the leg compression they feel so tight it almost hurts. TOLD IM GOING IN FIRST!! as first surgeon was running late so im up!! omg im freaking a little now... my hands are shaking so badly lol...gawd this is crazy it hurts just thinking about it all , but i know it will be ok....so last night i slept well , i did have a light sedative to help me sleep though so maybe that...soon as i dropped off to sleep i was woken at 1am by doctor coming in to take bloods... was told they needed it incase complications in the op , as i was overweight for long time my bodys blood vessels are larger then most so i have a high risk of over bleeding in the operation.
still feeling ok about it though...i can smell the breakfast trolleys coming and stupid nurse teases me by asking if im nill by mouth and cant eat... i say yeah and she goes away lol.... mouth so dry.
wish i could go for a run...
this was my before surgery diary i will write more later ...
Went to see the emergency docs last night as i have a fluid build up in my thigh and i was freaking.. she sed its normal and will disolve on its own so thats all good. i feel imeadeatly much better ..
been to the toilet today and feeel better as i can go normaly now no straining... also took off my binder today to put it on straighter as it was digging in looked first time in mirror and whoa my tummy is tight and smooth apart from bumps of the swelling... i have no jelly tummy omg it made all this so worth while omg happier then i have been in days... and ive had quite a lot of tears and emotions..
swelling is bad but just started taking arnica and bromelian as been told they are good so lets see.
going for my dressing change on friday and i might have dressings off all together we shall see... i want to take pics for you but it will have to wait.. mine is a bit more intensive as ive had a FDL TT (vertical and horizontal) so ill have a huge scar down middle too but so worth it compared to the mass of skin i had in middle...
so thats all i can manage for now ladies...
i really want to see mandys pics!!!