Had my appointment at the L & D today I've now lost 5 stone and 3LBS it was the last appointment with the obesity nurse so I gotta see the dietician next month this seems to be taking forever
You should be given your date hon.
You will be fine with l & d. They've been. Till isn't in everyday. Can't fault them. I'm six weeks post by pass n said goodbye to surgical team this week. Just nurse n dietician now
They've been great to me. I'm two months out.Hi all, just wanted to be added in to this thread as I too am under the L&D. I have done 2years pre stuff before attending my first appointment there on Fri 4th April, now got the date for my second which is the triple one which is on Thursday 7th May!!! I have to have an eco that morning but had my ECG last time. I am so excited to be getting closer as the nurse said they decide that evening if we get a date or not!!!!! Good luck Kerry let me know if your appointment is same day as me xxx