Hi Shelly, I read this post and just had to reply.
Since my op;
i developed gallstones and after months of to and fro to a/e had my gall bladder removed.
My grandmother, who I looked after died.
My marriage broke down.
I had a huge mental health crisis, and am still under the services now.
My daughter was diagnosed with a congenital condition.
You could argue that the surgery had something to do with some of my experiences. Maybe it did. But do you no what? I still wouldn't change a thing.
Life has been hard, but not insurmountable.
I've come out the other side a better person. My relationship with my children is better than it could ever have been before.
No I'm not back at work yet, but it means I have been able to better care for myself and my children. I know when I am ready I will go back.
I guess what I am trying to say is, that no matter what challenges we have in our life we are survivors. Life does go on.
Onwards and upwards.