Something odd is going on with my milk diet !!!
I lost weight very quickly n my liver must have booted out so much fat n impurities. Great to detox.
I. A week I had lost 17.5 lbs. I'd gone from 19.5 to 18.2
Then by 2weeks gone to 17.12,5. So just over 20lbs

Now I'm still strictly on same diet and weighing back up to 18.1.5 . Naked as always , same sca,ws and in early morning. How can I have put 3lbs on in a week after following the milk diet???????
Very confused. I can only think my body has gone into survival mode n turning everything into fat. I'm the one who puts weight on with weigh watchers on having the minimal points
Peed off big time as have to see surgeon Monday . Obviously will be asking them, but they will think I've been cheating and I haven't!
Any ideas xxx
previous bander, now awaiting by pass or sleeve this year.