I dont believe I am saying I don't want my bypass. I understand all the reasons for it.
But I also have spoken to a woman who is 2 years post op and spent a lot of last year in hospital and has had every complication known to man. I have two kids and cannot afford to be in hospital all the time. So that is why it crosses my mind to ask myself if as I am -no blood pressure problems, no cholesterol, no diabetes, just someone who has tried for years to lose weight and ended up at a near crippling size- I may end up less of a mom to my kids than I am now.
I want my bypass loads. Many of you have followed my journey. But, I think it is natural to wonder about both sides of the coin.
I just pray that I am one of the people whom it goes smoothly for. I hope I get slim and my son no longer gets bullied about me, I hope I get fit and healthy, I hope I live and long and happy life. I know that without the bypass there is very little chance I would ever be slim and healthy.
So I simply need to work on some of the little fears I have and think positively that this will add to our quality of life, not take it away