New Member
So, so chuffed and wanted to share with you guys!!! You know that WOMAN magazine have been covering my journey, and that I said the second article was due anytime, well I got a call from the journalist the other day, saying that her editor is so impressed with my progress/weight loss since the first article when I was at my heaviest, that she wants to make a bigger feature of it and get me and the other lady (who is a bander) down to the big smoke and do a proper photo shoot with wardrobe/makeup/hair do all provided. I doubt we'll keep the clothes but I'm not bothered about that.
So excited!

So, so chuffed and wanted to share with you guys!!! You know that WOMAN magazine have been covering my journey, and that I said the second article was due anytime, well I got a call from the journalist the other day, saying that her editor is so impressed with my progress/weight loss since the first article when I was at my heaviest, that she wants to make a bigger feature of it and get me and the other lady (who is a bander) down to the big smoke and do a proper photo shoot with wardrobe/makeup/hair do all provided. I doubt we'll keep the clothes but I'm not bothered about that.
So excited!