Shrinking away nicely :)
Well as some of u know the Whittington usually admits their patients on the of surgery but as i had such poor mobility i was an extra high risk of clots so i had to be admitted a day early for double whammy blood thinning treatments, so here goes, hope i dont bore u 2 much 

2pm on March 1st : Arrived at the Whitt 15 mins early and went to my ward to be told there is no bed for me and i might be sent home, which meant no op for me. I was very emotional and started to get tearful and said i had just had a chat with the site manager who works with the bed manager and she verified there was def a bed for me unless their suddenly was a major intake of people like a massive car accident or train crash.
So that is what i told them and i also said there is no way i was going home now and if there is no space in the ward then they best make me a bed in either the day room, the corridor or the men`s bay as at that point i did not care just wanted a bed. I was sent to the day room where i waited an hr and still no luck so i tearfully phone Lucy the Bariatric dietician who is fab and told her and some how 45 mins later a bed was found for me on another ward, so of we went to Betty Mansel ward, another surgical ward.
9 pm i was chilling out watching tv Aaron,my uncle and my good friend Caroline 1061 had left and i thought "hold on what is the point of me being here 24 hrs prior as they have not given me any treatments, so went and reminded them, had to do it 3 times then finally at 11.30 was given my Heparin and settled down for a crap nights sleep.
March 2nd 7am: Aaron and my uncle turned up and i sat with them till my enormous gown and paper knickers came and until then i was feeling quite calm, then came the round of doctors and crew.
I then got tearful as the porter arrived went and gave Aaron and my uncle a big kiss and cuddle and off i went.
Arrived down in the theatre got weighed as they forgot to weigh me on the ward and was pleased to find out i had lost 18lbs in my 10 days pre op
Suddenly i felt scared and thought" omg what am i doing, and felt so ashamed and angry with myself that i had to resort to surgery and that i could not control my addiction to food" and i was asked if it was ok to go ahead and put the cannula in, i said yes then said a prayer and then that was that.
4.5 hrs later: I was in recovery and saw Mr Sufi and the first word that came out of my mouth was " did i have a bypass" the answer was yes and then a massive bout of pain hit me and my BP dropped and i was getting hysterical.
What had happened is that they way i was positioned in theatre had made my sciatica and back pain increase by at least double as bad as it was and the pain was excruciating and i did not know what to do and of course i started panicking.
I was put on a PCA pump which usually has morphine and u can hit it every 5 mins for a small dose of pain relief but as i take meds much stronger than morphine i had to be given the same meds i take now but not in slow release, but i had to have a double dose( shows how greedy i am lol ) as my body is used to the meds.
I was i recovery for about 5 hrs, the care their was amazing and i had a nurse by my side the whole side who kept Aaron in mind all the time by calling him every hr with updates to reassure him then was taken to HDU.
Again it was one to one nursing and the nurse actually sat in my cubicle the whole time. Aaron came up but look shattered so i sent him home, and my darling uncle sat by my bed side and slept their the whole night.
March 3rd :I had a bad night and then about 5 am i asked to get out of bed and they bought me an electric bariatric chair and there i spent the next 12 hrs much more comfortable than the bed, i was told off in a nice way for not using the PCA pump enough as my pain from by back was excruciating and then i started to use it more and that def helped to get my pain under control. The trapped wind was horrendous and felt like i was having a heart attack and the baby`s gripe water did help ease it a bit.
The care and attention in HDU is amazing i def recommend a vist if ur a bypass patient at the Whitt

it was def like a 5 star hotel but cleaner and whiter 

About 5 pm i had a second visit from the doc`s who were all very pleased with my vitals and off i went back to Betty Mansel ward.
March 4th 6am: Another bad night but what do u expect as the pain was bad, i had cannula`s in every vein possible, a catheter and a drip and lets not forget the PCA pump and a woman next to me who was being sick all night.
Called the nurse over and asked for the Catheter to come out, she said she was not sure as she had not been told to do it, i then politely told her" either u take it out correctly or i will" so 2 mins later it was out.
Pumped up with drugs she helps me to the bathroom where i sit(on my disposable toilet seat covers of course
)for about 20 mins just felt good to be out of bed for the first time in 48 hrs.
Came back to my bed and decided i felt well enough to go home today, it had now been 48hrs since my op.
I had already had 3 visits from the "Acute pain relief team" who had decided to send me home with the same meds that i had in my PCA pump but orally for the next 10 days till my back eases up otherwise they were worried i would end up back in hospital as i could not stand up without the meds.
10.00 am: Started packing, and sorting myself out, came off the drip, as another drip was put up about 7 am as i was not drinking enough and had the pump disconnected and sat waiting for my fab surgeon Mr Sufi to see me and discharge me.
I saw one of his team who said i was looking good and could go home but had to wait till Mr S discharged me.
About 2.30 Mr S arrived and discharged me, i then had to wait 3 hrs for another doc to come up and give me a letter for my doc, then 2 hrs later and my meds had not arrived.
Tbh i had enough and started panicking and just wanted out, i have my own meds at home i take and also had the "lansrocsapole anti acid" and thought i dont want to take the meds home i was given in the PCA as i am scared of taking them at home and probs i might have with my scciatica and back pain when i stop them as the my body might be so used to the massive doses the dosage i take now daily might not help with my pain, so i thought " s*d this" and i told them i am not waiting for my meds as i dont want them.
I could easily get Nurofen liquid and soluble paracetamol from the chemist, as i was also on that in the hospital.
They were not happy with me but all i wanted to do was get home, so that was it off i went home.
March 5th: OMG suddenly being at home and no pain relief hit me and my back pain was excruciating and the trapped wind a killer and i must admit on at least 3 occasions i said to myself sobbing " what have i done, this is the biggest mistake of my life and i so regret this" and cried myself back to sleep.
Food wise i was struggling i think i managed about 2 tiny petit filous yoghurts the 50mg ones, and 2 mugs of warm milk with some options hot choc and about a 0.5 ltr of sugar free squash.
March 6th (4 days post op) : Trapped wind eased bout 70% feel much better and back pain seems to be settling down to what it used to bed and i woke up and had a little wash and got dressed.
Came down and pottered around then Aaron said is it ok if he pops out for a few hrs to get a part for his moped, and i told him i am ok and would like to drive u. He said noooooooo but i was told and its in my paper work that i am legally allowed to drive 24 hrs post op as long as i can do an emergency stop.
So i sat in my car in my drive and had no probs doing an emergency stop, so off we went.
Took Aaron to get his part, decided to rest a few mins b4 driving back and stopped to see a friend of mine.
What is so weird is that pre op i was walking up the stairs on my hands and knees as could not walk up normal but as soon as i got home from hospital i needed the loo and for the first time in about 7 months i walked up the stairs very slowly but normally, and have been up and down my stairs bout 7/8 times a day since being home and that cheers me up.
I then drove to Sainburys and got some shopping, no i did not lift the bags or pack them and came home, all in all was out for about 3 hrs.
I must admit i think it was a bit 2 much for my first day out just 4 days post op but hey thats me all over

Came home felt a bit sick and shattered and slept for 4 hrs.
March 7th : Still not having any good nights sleep waking up about every hour for a wee, not 2 painful sleeping on my side and was told that i can have my first proper shower today, cant wait for that and its ok for my dressings to come off.
All my wounds look good and no infection and all in all am doing good.
Still cant believe i have now finally taken my place on the losers bench, and i am 5 days post op and apart from still some trapped wind which can be painful and my back pain still more painful than it was pre op i am doing good.
I was worrying about getting dressed yesterday as all my leggings and jeans are tight fitting as i hate loose trousers and wear such long tops u cant see my enormous fat things.
I thought i might have to go out in my pj`s as bought them in a 30/32 and they are really baggy and lose but i was gobsmacked when i put on the same denim leggings i wore to the Whit and had just been washed and tumbled so usually are even more snug fit till they stretch a bit and they were actually loose on my waist and on my legs and had creases in my thighs.
This confuses me how can they be loose on me just 5 days post op !!
Well i am going to start trying to do more things obviously not lifting things and hoovering but just try to be a bit more active and hope that will also help with the trapped wind.
I on purpose dont have a scale at home but am going to go and weigh myself tomorrow at the Chemist as they have one of those scales that print out ur weight, Bmi and Bp so i want to get into the habit of just weighing once a week on a Monday.
Ty ty ty so much for all ur support and friendship its u lot that got me through some terrible time and from the bottom of my heart i cant thank u enough for it.
Aaron had my mob till Wed night and he said i got 50 texts on Tuesday, omg did not think i knew that many people lol.
I know many were from you fab people and i am sorry if i did not respond or if Aaron did not respond to you.
Well i hope i have not bored u 2 much on this nice and bright and sunny morning.
My new and exciting chapter of my life starts now and i cant wait to experience all the new things that are waiting for me as each week passes by.
Off to get a little housework done and have a cup of warm milk with options hot choc.
Have a good day take care luv Roch xxx
2pm on March 1st : Arrived at the Whitt 15 mins early and went to my ward to be told there is no bed for me and i might be sent home, which meant no op for me. I was very emotional and started to get tearful and said i had just had a chat with the site manager who works with the bed manager and she verified there was def a bed for me unless their suddenly was a major intake of people like a massive car accident or train crash.
So that is what i told them and i also said there is no way i was going home now and if there is no space in the ward then they best make me a bed in either the day room, the corridor or the men`s bay as at that point i did not care just wanted a bed. I was sent to the day room where i waited an hr and still no luck so i tearfully phone Lucy the Bariatric dietician who is fab and told her and some how 45 mins later a bed was found for me on another ward, so of we went to Betty Mansel ward, another surgical ward.
9 pm i was chilling out watching tv Aaron,my uncle and my good friend Caroline 1061 had left and i thought "hold on what is the point of me being here 24 hrs prior as they have not given me any treatments, so went and reminded them, had to do it 3 times then finally at 11.30 was given my Heparin and settled down for a crap nights sleep.
March 2nd 7am: Aaron and my uncle turned up and i sat with them till my enormous gown and paper knickers came and until then i was feeling quite calm, then came the round of doctors and crew.
I then got tearful as the porter arrived went and gave Aaron and my uncle a big kiss and cuddle and off i went.
Arrived down in the theatre got weighed as they forgot to weigh me on the ward and was pleased to find out i had lost 18lbs in my 10 days pre op
Suddenly i felt scared and thought" omg what am i doing, and felt so ashamed and angry with myself that i had to resort to surgery and that i could not control my addiction to food" and i was asked if it was ok to go ahead and put the cannula in, i said yes then said a prayer and then that was that.
4.5 hrs later: I was in recovery and saw Mr Sufi and the first word that came out of my mouth was " did i have a bypass" the answer was yes and then a massive bout of pain hit me and my BP dropped and i was getting hysterical.
What had happened is that they way i was positioned in theatre had made my sciatica and back pain increase by at least double as bad as it was and the pain was excruciating and i did not know what to do and of course i started panicking.
I was put on a PCA pump which usually has morphine and u can hit it every 5 mins for a small dose of pain relief but as i take meds much stronger than morphine i had to be given the same meds i take now but not in slow release, but i had to have a double dose( shows how greedy i am lol ) as my body is used to the meds.
I was i recovery for about 5 hrs, the care their was amazing and i had a nurse by my side the whole side who kept Aaron in mind all the time by calling him every hr with updates to reassure him then was taken to HDU.
Again it was one to one nursing and the nurse actually sat in my cubicle the whole time. Aaron came up but look shattered so i sent him home, and my darling uncle sat by my bed side and slept their the whole night.
March 3rd :I had a bad night and then about 5 am i asked to get out of bed and they bought me an electric bariatric chair and there i spent the next 12 hrs much more comfortable than the bed, i was told off in a nice way for not using the PCA pump enough as my pain from by back was excruciating and then i started to use it more and that def helped to get my pain under control. The trapped wind was horrendous and felt like i was having a heart attack and the baby`s gripe water did help ease it a bit.
The care and attention in HDU is amazing i def recommend a vist if ur a bypass patient at the Whitt
About 5 pm i had a second visit from the doc`s who were all very pleased with my vitals and off i went back to Betty Mansel ward.
March 4th 6am: Another bad night but what do u expect as the pain was bad, i had cannula`s in every vein possible, a catheter and a drip and lets not forget the PCA pump and a woman next to me who was being sick all night.
Called the nurse over and asked for the Catheter to come out, she said she was not sure as she had not been told to do it, i then politely told her" either u take it out correctly or i will" so 2 mins later it was out.
Pumped up with drugs she helps me to the bathroom where i sit(on my disposable toilet seat covers of course
Came back to my bed and decided i felt well enough to go home today, it had now been 48hrs since my op.
I had already had 3 visits from the "Acute pain relief team" who had decided to send me home with the same meds that i had in my PCA pump but orally for the next 10 days till my back eases up otherwise they were worried i would end up back in hospital as i could not stand up without the meds.
10.00 am: Started packing, and sorting myself out, came off the drip, as another drip was put up about 7 am as i was not drinking enough and had the pump disconnected and sat waiting for my fab surgeon Mr Sufi to see me and discharge me.
I saw one of his team who said i was looking good and could go home but had to wait till Mr S discharged me.
About 2.30 Mr S arrived and discharged me, i then had to wait 3 hrs for another doc to come up and give me a letter for my doc, then 2 hrs later and my meds had not arrived.
Tbh i had enough and started panicking and just wanted out, i have my own meds at home i take and also had the "lansrocsapole anti acid" and thought i dont want to take the meds home i was given in the PCA as i am scared of taking them at home and probs i might have with my scciatica and back pain when i stop them as the my body might be so used to the massive doses the dosage i take now daily might not help with my pain, so i thought " s*d this" and i told them i am not waiting for my meds as i dont want them.
I could easily get Nurofen liquid and soluble paracetamol from the chemist, as i was also on that in the hospital.
They were not happy with me but all i wanted to do was get home, so that was it off i went home.
March 5th: OMG suddenly being at home and no pain relief hit me and my back pain was excruciating and the trapped wind a killer and i must admit on at least 3 occasions i said to myself sobbing " what have i done, this is the biggest mistake of my life and i so regret this" and cried myself back to sleep.
Food wise i was struggling i think i managed about 2 tiny petit filous yoghurts the 50mg ones, and 2 mugs of warm milk with some options hot choc and about a 0.5 ltr of sugar free squash.
March 6th (4 days post op) : Trapped wind eased bout 70% feel much better and back pain seems to be settling down to what it used to bed and i woke up and had a little wash and got dressed.
Came down and pottered around then Aaron said is it ok if he pops out for a few hrs to get a part for his moped, and i told him i am ok and would like to drive u. He said noooooooo but i was told and its in my paper work that i am legally allowed to drive 24 hrs post op as long as i can do an emergency stop.
So i sat in my car in my drive and had no probs doing an emergency stop, so off we went.
Took Aaron to get his part, decided to rest a few mins b4 driving back and stopped to see a friend of mine.
What is so weird is that pre op i was walking up the stairs on my hands and knees as could not walk up normal but as soon as i got home from hospital i needed the loo and for the first time in about 7 months i walked up the stairs very slowly but normally, and have been up and down my stairs bout 7/8 times a day since being home and that cheers me up.
I then drove to Sainburys and got some shopping, no i did not lift the bags or pack them and came home, all in all was out for about 3 hrs.
I must admit i think it was a bit 2 much for my first day out just 4 days post op but hey thats me all over
Came home felt a bit sick and shattered and slept for 4 hrs.
March 7th : Still not having any good nights sleep waking up about every hour for a wee, not 2 painful sleeping on my side and was told that i can have my first proper shower today, cant wait for that and its ok for my dressings to come off.
All my wounds look good and no infection and all in all am doing good.
Still cant believe i have now finally taken my place on the losers bench, and i am 5 days post op and apart from still some trapped wind which can be painful and my back pain still more painful than it was pre op i am doing good.
I was worrying about getting dressed yesterday as all my leggings and jeans are tight fitting as i hate loose trousers and wear such long tops u cant see my enormous fat things.
I thought i might have to go out in my pj`s as bought them in a 30/32 and they are really baggy and lose but i was gobsmacked when i put on the same denim leggings i wore to the Whit and had just been washed and tumbled so usually are even more snug fit till they stretch a bit and they were actually loose on my waist and on my legs and had creases in my thighs.
This confuses me how can they be loose on me just 5 days post op !!
Well i am going to start trying to do more things obviously not lifting things and hoovering but just try to be a bit more active and hope that will also help with the trapped wind.
I on purpose dont have a scale at home but am going to go and weigh myself tomorrow at the Chemist as they have one of those scales that print out ur weight, Bmi and Bp so i want to get into the habit of just weighing once a week on a Monday.
Ty ty ty so much for all ur support and friendship its u lot that got me through some terrible time and from the bottom of my heart i cant thank u enough for it.
Aaron had my mob till Wed night and he said i got 50 texts on Tuesday, omg did not think i knew that many people lol.
I know many were from you fab people and i am sorry if i did not respond or if Aaron did not respond to you.
Well i hope i have not bored u 2 much on this nice and bright and sunny morning.
My new and exciting chapter of my life starts now and i cant wait to experience all the new things that are waiting for me as each week passes by.
Off to get a little housework done and have a cup of warm milk with options hot choc.
Have a good day take care luv Roch xxx
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