New Member
I agree Lactulose is very sweet (like the glucose drink in the diabetes test) the hospital sent me home with a big bottle of it to use twice a day as needed (I had a sleeve), well I had one dose on monday morning & one dose tuesday evening & it worked wednesday morning
not touched it since, see if its needed next week haha.
I agree with the forceval, they originally gave me capsules to bite & suck the stuff out, well as you can imagine that went everywhere but down, i was gagging for ages after, am crushing up sanatogen a-z now.
Will look into the frusebin sounds good, thanks for the heads up on that Lady
I agree with the forceval, they originally gave me capsules to bite & suck the stuff out, well as you can imagine that went everywhere but down, i was gagging for ages after, am crushing up sanatogen a-z now.
Will look into the frusebin sounds good, thanks for the heads up on that Lady