Just wondering how your all doing? How's the weight loss going? We all feeling better?
I'm 15 weeks out now and am 83lbs down -52 since op! Feeling fabulous! Got no clothes that fit- o well guess ill HAVE to buy new...... Poor me
I feel so much more healthier and "normal" I really have been given a new lease of life!
I try and eat as healthy as possible, and always try to eat my protein first! Though once in a while I have half a slice of toast when I fancy it! I can't tolerate untoasted bread, makes me throw up
but to be honest I'm quite pleased about that lol!
Anyway enough of me! Xx
I'm 15 weeks out now and am 83lbs down -52 since op! Feeling fabulous! Got no clothes that fit- o well guess ill HAVE to buy new...... Poor me
I try and eat as healthy as possible, and always try to eat my protein first! Though once in a while I have half a slice of toast when I fancy it! I can't tolerate untoasted bread, makes me throw up
Anyway enough of me! Xx