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medi alerts


New Member
Does anyone know if there is such things as a medi alert for bypassers, to prove you've had the op to get child meals or if you need medical help, etc

I'm no way ashamed that I've had a bypass,
some hospitals give you a card saying due to surgery u can only eat half portions
If you become a member of BOSPA they send you a card which you can carry in your purse which says you have had surgery and please can you order a child/small portion of food. xxxxxx
lol .....................i wonder what the best part would be x
Hi All, I have just contacted Kath Rothwells secretary as Kath is on her holls until 19th July, asking about these cards for Gastric bypass to show in restaurants etc. You will be happy to know that Mr Ammori`s Team have now recieved them and I have requested one for myself, Janine replyed in my email that she is sending me one asap via the post. On the card it states your surgery, showing a diagram of your op (gastric bypass) . If you have had your op @ The Spire Manchester you need to contact Expose Email Hope this helps Mr Ammories peeps. Kind regards Gail x
Funnily enough i was talking about eating out yesterday with friends as we have a fabulous new 'buffet' restaurant open very close by! I'm looking forward to trying it but before i do i will be finding someone and explaining about my surgery and that i'll have a tub in my bag to take home whatever i can't eat from the one plate i'll be having! If it's a problem then we won't be going there...

I like the idea of a medi alert bracelet though and not for food purposes...

Someone said to me that if we've had a bypass and for some reason need resuscitation or intubation for some reason that they have to use a child's size tube due to the surgery (not sure if this is true) and think maybe it's a good idea for that reason. I will be asking about this when i go for my follow up appt xx

Good post daftmoo x
I have ordered a medical bracelet from a company called ice gems. You can put on it you have had a gastric bypass (in case of intubation) I too had heard the same Julie. Any allergies you have I have an allergy to codeine and a contact number for next of kin. It is in my hospital bag to take with me to put on after my op. I think it was about £50 but there are lots to choose from some cheaper some dearer. Hope this helps. Just google ice gems.
Julie I have a medi alert for that reason, it states no sugar, no ibufen and something about the tube thing and also that I have had a gastric bypass. If anything happens to me the emergency services can ring then and give my reference number and it will give them details of my gp and my surgeon they also call my hubby or son to let them no where I am and what has happened, I got the chain, tag, engraving, a card for my purse, key ring and stickers for my mobile and my passport and it only costs £12.95 a year which is cheap for the piece of mind it gives me.
Sorry it is written ICE gems.

ICE stands for "In Case of Emergency". Add ICE to your mobile phone contacts, with the number of your next of kin. The emergency services know to check people's mobiles and look for this information. You can add more than one contact - just call them ICE1, ICE2 etc.
mad staffy and gail where did you get these items from x
I ordered mine from a company called next of kin the web site is Next of Kin - Portal I was very happy with the service and if you want a gold,silver tag and chain u can buy them also but the stainless chain and tag are included free of charge

my tag reads:

gastric bypass
no blind ngt
no sugar
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I got mine from Universal Medical ID.

I had it due to my DS, an allergy and for contact details.

If you add your NHS number (NOT National Insurance) any doctor/hospital in the UK can access your medical details in an emergency.

I just bought the plaque cos I made my own bracelets with gold and silver beads (I have 2!!) cos they were too expensive to buy and I wanted the real deal!! and attach with bolt rings.

The reason it's important especially for RNYers is because you shouldn't have a blind nasogastric tube inserted cos you ain't got a stomach to push it into

Sleevies - like me with my DS - have a funny shaped stomach for shoving n/g tubes into.

Don't carry a food request card myself - don't go out that often :( - and think if I'm paying then I should get given what I want!! but I don't get out much as I said!! lol

Hope this helps

Angela xx