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If you add your NHS number (NOT National Insurance) any doctor/hospital in the UK can access your medical details in an emergency.

That's a very good point Angela, thanks. I've just updated the details in my phone to include it. I didn't realise they'd updated them to new 10 digit numbers either until I went to try and find it.

Also, assuming the government are still continuing with it, there's the Summary Care Record which is a national NHS Database that all medical staff will have access to. Unless you actually opt out, which I did, then everyone will be on it.

Actually, this has just made me wonder why they would go to the bother and expense of setting up this new system if all our medical records can be accessed via NHS number anyway! It seems my suspicions could be correct about it being yet another Big Brother tactic, and I suspect at sometime in the future employees and potential employees will be able to access these records. Glad I did opt out then!
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Hi Tracey, I emailed my provider, then she emailed me back saying she was going to pop one (card) in the post 1st thing monday morning. G.M xx
mad staffy and gail where did you get these items from x