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medicines after the op


New Member
Afternoon all,

I hope you are all keeping well. Just a quick question regarding taking medecine after the op. I have read that you need to have them in liquid form, but is it just until wounds are healed or forever? I was not sure and wondered sorry if it is a stupid question. My head is spinning with only two weeks to go... scared yes, exited yes, hoping i can make it work god i hope so!

speak soon
I've just been sleeved and I'm taking tablet form medicines. With a band a tablet may get lodged in the small pouch and would make it hard for you eat anything else.
I spoke to my GP this morning about this & he had no idea :( but he is contacting the Pharmacist on my behalf, with a view to getting accurate info. He says there will be meds that cannot be given crushed or liquid so I am waiting to see what he comes back to me with. I respect him for not fobbing me off & admitting he did not know & doing the research for me. Nice Dr Keating :)
I stopped all insulin and hypertension meds the day of surgery, and not had to re-start them yet :)

Vitamin capsule (forceval-horse tablet it is huge!!) was only available in capsule form, iron was in liquid form, calcium D3 is a chewable tablet and Fastabs are melt in the mouth tabs. I now have the iron in tab form as I am now 12 weeks post op.

Hope this helps :)
i had the following pills to take home from hossie:

1...fastab once a day, little pill that melt on ya tongue, like sherbert .
2...ursodeoxycholic acid pills 2 x 2 a day
vitamin tablets bought the chewy type others smelt awful..

then when i was 4 weeks post have to take as follows:
1 fastab pill once a day for 6 months
2x2 ursodeoxycholic acid pills a day for 6 months
my vitamins for life
1 x ferrous sulphate a day ( iron)
1 x 2 a day adcal chewable tuti fruiti pills

this is all i have to date dont know if any will change.

hope this is a help.
ps dont have any other ailment other than having bypass
Fast tabs for life
licquid iron
Calcium tablets to suck
Went to pound shop and bought a pill crusher they are great then take them with a bit of yogart
Good luck xx
Fascinating thread. I have 9 and a half days to go and was worrying. . .

The meds I am on won't change immediately because some of my conditions are not weight related :/

I take antidepressants, muscle relaxants and pain killers. So I don't know what I will have to do. Maybe I should nip into Boots when I'm in town tomorrow and ask them.
It will depend on your op but for the first 8 weeks post op I had to crush my tablets. I had some in liquid form but many don't come that way. For me, taking my meds was the single most difficult thing about my op. I detested taking the ground up medicine and got myself quite worked up about it! I stopped taking my statins and my cholesterol shot through the roof. I did take my blood pressure tabs but they regularly reappeared! I perecervered and it was better when I added NAS rather than water to them, and took my Adcal straight after to mask the taste! Since week 8 I have had no problem with the statins as they are very small. I have to break the blood pressure meds in half and space out taking them or else I get horrendous pain and sickness. I am on prescribed vitamins now, and although tiny they are hard to get down for some reason.
I am hoping to come off the 'meds' and just be left with the vitamins and Adcal. I feel anxious now about taking them tonight! If I had known I would have got a pill crusher and practised pre-op so I could see what might be the best thing to dilute them with.
Sorry to be a bit gloomy, lots of people find it a sinch, but for me it was , and is a challenge.
It will depend on your op but for the first 8 weeks post op I had to crush my tablets. I had some in liquid form but many don't come that way. For me, taking my meds was the single most difficult thing about my op. I detested taking the ground up medicine and got myself quite worked up about it! I stopped taking my statins and my cholesterol shot through the roof. I did take my blood pressure tabs but they regularly reappeared! I perecervered and it was better when I added NAS rather than water to them, and took my Adcal straight after to mask the taste! Since week 8 I have had no problem with the statins as they are very small. I have to break the blood pressure meds in half and space out taking them or else I get horrendous pain and sickness. I am on prescribed vitamins now, and although tiny they are hard to get down for some reason.
I am hoping to come off the 'meds' and just be left with the vitamins and Adcal. I feel anxious now about taking them tonight! If I had known I would have got a pill crusher and practised pre-op so I could see what might be the best thing to dilute them with.
Sorry to be a bit gloomy, lots of people find it a sinch, but for me it was , and is a challenge.

I have been told that if you put the crushed tabs in a spoonful of yoghurt it masks the texture and taste ;) Its worth a try if it makes you feel so worked up about taking them?
just tablet form for me, although fasttab are disolvable. I have been fine after bypass with tablets. x
Hi - with a band you will be fine to take tablets when you are advised its ok to do so. The first few days post op I had dissolvable pain killers but was fine after that.
I would advise all bypassers awaiting there ops to check with their teams - Im sure I have read on bypassers threads that some tablets (such as contraception) are not absorbed post op so are not effective.

Why not start a thread in the bypassers bit - you will probably get more answers there x
Fascinating thread. I have 9 and a half days to go and was worrying. . .

The meds I am on won't change immediately because some of my conditions are not weight related :/

I take antidepressants, muscle relaxants and pain killers. So I don't know what I will have to do. Maybe I should nip into Boots when I'm in town tomorrow and ask them.

I take citalopram, which used to be in tablets but now I take in liquid format. Very easy to take! The pain killers I'm on (tramadol) are in soluble format (and taste vile *lol*) and I left the hospital with all the above, plus ibuprofen liquid and two bottle of Calpol (age 6+) XD

They should take a note of everything you take before you go into your op and have them all in the relevant formats for when you leave. Now all I need to do is get rid of all of my meds I have left in tablet form ¬_¬ What a waste of money!
Tiggerific said:
I have been told that if you put the crushed tabs in a spoonful of yoghurt it masks the texture and taste ;) Its worth a try if it makes you feel so worked up about taking them?

This has really worked for me thank goodness :)
I put the tablets in a spoonful of yoghurt and they go down really well. Taking them on an empty stomach was horrible.
When I had the Gastric Band I was told that I could take all my tablets as normal and thankfully had no problem. When I had the bypass I went to my doctor and explained that I needed liquid medication and they together with Boots sorted it all out for me. they were fantastic really. I now have my omeprazole in dispersible form, my Atenolol was specially produced in sf liquid form and I was instructed to open my Monomax capsules and drink the little balls inside with water. The only medication I was instructed to crush was my Losartan but on the morning of my op the surgeon told me to discontinue them as my blood pressure was already below normal.

I am assuming that once I am back to solid food that I can take my tablets as normal.

Oh yes, nearly forgot, my doctor has provided me with liquid Metformin instructing me to take that once back to normal eating as I haven,t taken any insulin since the op.
Beauty of wls is you wont need a lot of the old meds post surgery!Painkillers are a thing of the past for me,cut down and stopped anti ds too!Your throat hasnt been operated on so why wouldnt you be able to swallow large pills?
You only need liquid meds just after surgery for a few weeks.
Thanks everyone. I don't take any medicine at the moment so was just wondering if in the future I need medicine ll it have to be in soluble form... no matter what I feel I ll never be ready but I guess most people felt like that before their op. Thanks again everyone for all ur answers