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Milk diet for anyone?


New Member
M going tomorrow to the doctors to apply for gastric bypass, my question though is can anyone do the milk diet to lose weight? How do you do it? What are the rules and for how long? I'm desperate :(

MoonCake xXx
It's not designed for weight loss, it's specifically to shrink the liver and weight loss is a side effect of it.
Apparently you shouldn't use this diet to lose weight as its only meant for short term usage before surgery and to be honest, a diet consisting of doesn't sound that healthy does it?
I guess not, i don't know too much about it, I just know people do lose weight. I'm just feeling really sad today :(

MoonCake xXx
Wait and see what your GP says, I never even considered bariatric surgery until my GP. Mentioned it to me, in fact when he called me obese I said ' no I'm not I'm just overweight' I think I was in denial!
Good luck :)
Em xxxxx
Oh no, I can imagine its really hard for you!
Do you meet the criteria for your PCT?
My BMI is 42/43 and I don't have diabetes or sleep apnoea BUT I have hypermobility syndrome (joint condition) which is made worse by my weight. I cant move very well, I have a disabled badge, I can't work and I struggle to look after my 2 year old.

This op could help me reduce medication and eventually get back to work so would cost the government a hell of a lot less in the long run to give me the op.

My doctor, consultant and a wls surgeon all ok'd it but the PCT turned me down twice, once as I don't have type 2 diabetes and sleep apnoea and second as I hadnt been on a 6 month diet..

Since then I tried Cambridge diet and now I'm seeing the dietician at the hosp.

I rang my PCT and they said id have to apply as exceptional circumstances? So that's what I'm seeing my doc about tomorrow.

MoonCake xXx
Good luck Mooncake, it really sounds like you could benefit greatly from the surgery and as you say you would be saving them money in the long run (I don't understand why they don't ever consider this!). I think you could have a case on exceptional circumstances because your condition doesn't meet their set criteria, meaning they can't look outside the box, under exceptional circumstances hopefully they can look at the situation as a whole and not just what's on their form. Don't give up hope x
I start mine on Friday, all ten days of it.

3 pints skimmed or ss milk, 2 yoghurts , at least 2 litres water , as much diet pop and tea/coffee

Diet is to soften the liver so doc can access your stomach easier
Retfordmag said:
I start mine on Friday, all ten days of it.

3 pints skimmed or ss milk, 2 yoghurts , at least 2 litres water , as much diet pop and tea/coffee

Diet is to soften the liver so doc can access your stomach easier

Not long now then :) good luck with it, remember day 3ish is the hardest then you come out buzzing lol

Please don't do this as a long term diet as could cause you to lose vital muscle mass which could lead to other complications! It's a short term hit only!
Thanks ladies!

I see my doctor at 10am and I'm so nervous (don't know why as its just an application!)


I hope with all my heart they say yes this time!!!!

MoonCake xXx
i wouldnt recomend to do the milk diet as a long term diet because it s designed for preoppers to skrink their livers for sugery xx
Hope all went well with your GP this morning.
As others have said, do not do the milk diet as it do not contain all the nutrients and minerals that your body needs. If that's the route you want to take then Cambridge diet would be better in that it atleast contains the minimal body requirenments. However, I know how tempting these quick fixes are when you feel beyond desperate but they dont fix anything long term.
Best of luck to you x
Hi piglet, I did the Cambridge diet last year, that's why I am as big as I am now :(

The docs left me pretty deflated, he's going to apply but te normal route as he says exceptional circumstance takes longer... But it was the normal way that I was declined twice! :(

Also my BMI showed as 42 on their scales not 43 as on mine.

He just told me he would do his best and leave it with him but he didn't seem that bothered and I feel crappy now :,(

MoonCake xXx
I'm on day two and feel hungrier than I did yesterday. One thing I have noticed, I'm peeing like hell with all the fluids lol
The first couple of days are the hardest it's like cold turkey but stick to it only a few days out off your life and it will change your life
Good luck
Hi Steven,

I can't excersize due to my joint condition, It causes big pain flare ups and I dislocate my joints easy

MoonCake xXx
I don't think you should do the milk diet as weight loss it's used to shrink the fat from your liver
See what doctor says
Yeah I've listened to everyone's advice, I didn't know it was specifically for liver shrinkage.

Am calorie counting now x

MoonCake xXx
Yeah I've listened to everyone's advice, I didn't know it was specifically for liver shrinkage.

Am calorie counting now x

MoonCake xXx

Have you tried slimmers world I did great with them the first time i went had to stop due to heart attacks and not being able to drive and must admit when i did get to go back the second time was not as easy at all was like my body said ha you fooled us once you not gonna get away with it again