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Milk diet for anyone?

I have tried it yeah, that, weight watchers, cambridge, LighterLife..

I can't excersize enough to burn off anything I eat, that's why I want the op (just a waiting game for this desicion, it's my third application)

MoonCake xXx
Hi Mooncake,

I don't have any magical answers, but thought I would share my experiences.

Milk Diet: I was actually put on a milk diet in 2004 by a local obesity clinic at an NHS hospital for weight loss. It was a 6 week programme with the goal of detoxing the brain of all food habits and cravings. It was 4 pints of milk, a vit tab, an oxo cube, +2 pints of other fluid a day. It was great, I lost half a stone a week. I then went skiiing, totally overworked myself and contracted viral meningitis, which I've been told is because the diet shot my immunity to pieces. It was then 18 months before I recovered any energy. Now I'm 3 stone heavier than I was before the diet and have been diagnosed with CFS which they say is because of the virus.

So moral of story...don't even consider it!

On a note about funding, my GP applied for exceptional circumstances funding for me, ie my BMI isn't high enough and I don't fit the criteria of co-morbidities, but I have tried everything, I now can't exercise because of the CFS and a loss of weight would greatly reduce my pain.

The response "rejected as she doesn't fit the criteria (so no thinking out of the box!), she should revisit the obesity clinic" (yes the one that made me ill in the first place!!)

I have given up with the NHS and will now be going private overseas.

I do hope you have a better experience and your exceptional funding panel can get their heads out of their arses long enough to see how much this surgery would benefit you and your family.

I pray for the day the NHS starts thinking more proactively rather than reactively, and see the savings they could make by giving the treatment before people get so ill their care ends up costing 10x more!

If you're not happy with your GP's level of support, change GP.

Wishing you luck and sending you big higs x
I agree the milk diet has only one purpose to shrink your liver and should not be used as a diet as it not for weight loss
Good point