Active Member
Glad you told him! I really don't know how some manage to keep things like this a secret, guess I'm just a blab-a-mouth and want the world to know though
I know some worry about others reactions but you know it's our bodies, our lives etc etc they can always 'do one' if they can't be supportive! Just get plenty of rest now and prepare for your journey to skinnyness!
I had 2wk off work and at that I was tired but coped. Plenty only have 1 week off tho, but you must take it easy particularly if could put you at risk of doing further damage!!!! Good luck this week
I had 2wk off work and at that I was tired but coped. Plenty only have 1 week off tho, but you must take it easy particularly if could put you at risk of doing further damage!!!! Good luck this week