Heya girls

Sorry I didnt reply sooner, bt interglobal magawebs went titsup last night, think they were doing upgrades lol.
Sarah, my initial referral was over 2 years ago but I got referred by a consultant I see at Newham for something else. He referrred me to Barts and the London, had 3 apps there over a period of a few months and was then transferred to Mannur at Homerton.
Like Pinky I have a range of co-morbidities including a clotting disorder and lung complications. So Mannur referred me to his colleague for a second opinion and to get lots of different tests carried out. I last saw Mannur's colleague 18 March and he said he was happy to agree to the surgery as long as aneasthetists were happy. I then was sent a letter to go for sleep tests. which i had last night, well I didnt manage to get much sleep lol but that another story (note I'm sitting here at 7am writing this).
I think the problem lies with having to wait a couple of months each time you need a different appointment for a different test, then a wait for the results then another referral etc.
The way it was explained to me is that there is not a lot of research on people with my type of conditions having this type of surgery, and tbh for a large percentage of people with this condition, the weight problems are usually that they are underweight.
Whilst I am aware of at least 2 people on this site that have similar conditions to me for all I know we are the only 3 people in the country to also need/have wls. that doesnt leave the consultants with a lot to go on.
I know Pinky has not had to be referred to Mannurs colleague, maybe I had to because of the lung issues, not too sure. Either way I would rather them be safe than sorry.
Think I'm on the home run now wahoo!
Hope you are all ok today, take care Xx