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Mrs Q's band diary

Bex, did you drink?? I'm trying to wait until our works Christmas do......but could murder a glass of wine! xxx
Mmmmmm wine I miss u so much lol

Bex I can't put pics on coz I'm semi naked lol x

Oopseydaisey how did your fill go do you still have good restriction x
Hi ladies, lol I'll be posting some semi naked ones when in at target mrs q!! Haha! I'll b proud as punch.
Yes I drank. I made sure I drank none fizz though. I had vodka with cranberry and a few glasses if white wine. I also had half a draught cider but stirred hell out if it so it was flat. Bloody gorgeous it was!! That will be my only drink until Xmas coz it's very calorific which I absolutely cannot ford right now.
Indian tonight was totes gorge!! I had chicken tikka with popadoms with mint yoghurt and mango chutney. Tasted like heaven lol xx
Bloody hell. Bex weren't u drunk ? Nice having proper food now isn't it x

Well this week I've lost 2lb so I've gone from 18.01 to 16.10 in 4 weeks :) I'm pleased with that

I'd like to get in the 15s for Xmas
How are you finding eating MrsQ? I'm moving off of purée tonight onto moe sustance, 'soft and crunchy' as per diet sheet. Still not eating big volumes, had half a bowl of ready break for breakfast, some hummus meat paste and 2 slices of cheese for lunch.....xxx
Hey lovely

I had some cauli cheese n 5 small bites of chicken I can eat a lot more I really struggling to eat slower as I've been a fast eater all my life,and I'm listening to my body to tell me I'm full and not my head it's really wierd coz my tummy is full but my head keeps looking at the plate saying you can finish that go on lol
Have you lost last week x
Weigh in tomorrow but no I hadn't lost anything, and after what I've eaten today, I doubt I will have! Xx
sounds like ur all doing fab. im in dolan park atm. im finding that if I drink to fast its realy sore.did anyone else have his? im not managing to pass water properly yet.so constanly sipping x
Mrs q yes I was drunk lol. That's it now til Xmas!!
I had my weigh in tonight, I didn't have one last week after surgery as u felt really poorly and my tummy was so rounded full of has!! Hindsight I still wish I had weighed in an took pics. It says iv lost 2.5 lost in around 2 weeks. Iv gone from 16 4.5 to 15.4 in 4 weeks however I weighed myself the other day even though I shouldn't hav and I was 15st exactly so I think it's started to fluctuate when I started eating mash.
Tonight iv had mash, mashed suede, carrots and broccoli, even managed half a small dumpling and gravy!!
I'm the same as u mrs q my head is saying u can eat those last 3 mouthfuls but my stomach is telling me to stop. I'm consciously looking at how much is on my fork too coz I tend to take big mouthfuls without realising and then that stops me from chewing properly coz my mouth is too full. I'm sure it will be second nature to do it all properly in the coming weeks and months.
Here I am a month after starting my journey. 2 weeks pre op LSD and 2 weeks post op xx


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sounds like ur all doing fab. im in dolan park atm. im finding that if I drink to fast its realy sore.did anyone else have his? im not managing to pass water properly yet.so constanly sipping x

How r u jlb?! I'm assuming u have been done today? It's different for all patients, I remember the first few hours after it was wire difficult as I had a sore throat but my mouth was so dry for the anaesthetic xx
ye went down at 11am. nor too bad. being kicked out at 7am lol! juat hope I can wee beofre I go (will not be impressed if thwy diacharge me without passing urine) im a nurse and know its dangerous. juat waiting for meds then will try to sleep x
Bex your doing sooo well x

Jlb I don't think they let you go without weeing coz they kept coming into my room asking if I'd gone yet x keep sipping you'll be sore for a few days,try to walk around as much as your able x
Thanks mrs q, u r too!!
I'm beginning to feel like I can eat soooo much but then I think of my tea tonight it's less than half of what I would have normally eaten so I must be doing alright, I can't believe I have to wait another 5 weeks for my fill!!
Jlb keep drinking water and peppermint tea and then ull go to the loo, keep walking around the ward and get as much wind out as u can, that should make u go and should help u sleep better too xx
Bex, when was your fill?! Mine is the 10th Dec.....xx
thanx guy. I havnt passed any wind lol. just sore. hating the soluble cocodamol yuck but do thw job.
ur both doing so well. did u see ur consaltant after op? im a bit disapointed that I havnt. wanted to double check a few things. never mind. x