Hello guys. As instructed I have started to take a daily multivitamin in advance of my surgery. I was told to take Centrum or Sanatogen and so went for Sanatogen A-Z Complete. Ever since I have started taking them (over the last three days) I have had terrible nausea, gurgling and a cramping stomach and a feeling I am going to be sick all the time. I could barely eat yesterday I felt so unwell and this morning I have had diarhhoea
I googled multivitamins and nausea/sickness last night and it came up. I just wondered if anyone had any problems with this and whether they found one multivitamin better than another in terms of being kinder on the tummy. I bought 180 of the darn things
Of course it may not be that at all and I may just have some sort of temporary virus I suppose but it seems odd as my diet has not changed apart from taking the multivitamin. Anyway, if I can't tolerate them now, how am I going to tolerate them post surgery?
Nightmare! :sigh: